Tough Lovin'

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Normani blew a raspberry out of irritation as she enter her deafening silence home; neglecting her ring full of keys by throwing them onto the island. Exhaling deeply through her nose, she took her time pulling off her ripped, jean jacket from her shoulders and placing it on the arm of the chestnut leather sofa.

"And then you had the fucking nerve to leave me in the parking lot, Mani–are you serious?" The porcelain Latina question as soon as her foot went pass the door.

"You blowing my shit, man," Normani shrugged nonchalantly, unfazed with the yelling and slamming the door. She silently removed her golden Rolex from her wrist as she tunes out her girlfriend; Lauren, while strolling down their hallway to the bedroom.

"I'm what? Blowing your shit?" Lauren brows perk up at that statement, not fully understanding it; but at the same time she does. Five seconds rolls pass and Normani hasn't answer her, and Lauren hated when she goes unnoticed.

Heavily heading to their room, she was oblivious to the fact that: people live under them, and are probably sleep or trying to sleep. Her hazel eyes scans over Normani toned body as she pulls down her Levi's skinny jeans. Now, the only thing she has left on is her Tommy Hilfiger briefs and her Nike sports bra.

Turning around, she caught a glimpse of Lauren standing there with her arms cross under her breasts with narrowing eyes. She would've took her right then and there but she had never more frustrated in her life.

"What?" She spoke up, sticking out her hands indicating: 'what the fuck do you want?'

"Are you really about to take a shower when we haven't finished discussing–"

"–We haven't finish discussing anything because there is nothing to discuss about," she cut off bitterly, pointing between the two of them, "I don't know why you insist to keep on bothering me–"

"Bothering you? Why do you insist on flirting with ugly ass bitches when you're with me," she took multiple strides over to Normani with her chin up; and not because Normani is 5'7 but because she have something to prove.

"What bitches, Lauren? Why are you so insecure?" Lauren neck twisted back, raising up her brows in attack.

"Insecure?" She ask collectedly, scoffing a laugh; holding back from smacking the shit out of Normani. Normani on the other hand didn't exactly love the calm Lauren, especially if they were in an heated argument. Lauren is an Latina. A crazy one at that, "Maybe I am because you cheated before, remember that?"

"Oh my fucking god," Normani head flew back, staring up the ceiling. She is more than tired of her bringing up that situation. Even though it was in the beginning of their relationship, that doesn't make it any better. And she knows that, "Whats the point of taking me back if you're going to keep throwing the past in my face?" The ebony girl query staring down at her.

"I don't know why either, cause you are quite pathetic," she gritted through her teeth, and her nose flaring.

"I'm pathetic?" Normani ask rhetorically, "Man, watch out," she says bumping into Lauren, causing her to lean back a bit.

"No," Lauren disobeyed, folding her arms again, blocking her way, "I'm not doing shit until you apologize for fucking that girl."

"I'm not doing this with you 'cause I didn't fuck anybody, Lauren. The only person I fuck and make love to is you, but you're too fucking dumb to realize that," Normani spat quickly all under one breath as she attempted move pass the Latina once again.


"Ah, fucking bitch," Normani mumbled under her breath in the midst of her hand flying to rub her temple. Lauren heard the foul name, and her hand flew back. Beaming forward, it came in contact with Normanis' right cheek; snatching her head towards the left.

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