The Devils Bargaining

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The ghastly moonlight cast on top of the silver Cadillac DeVille roof as it came into view, reflecting back flawlessly. Dinah–Normanis' girlfriend, parallel park discreetly as she shifts forward to make sure she doesn't do any damage. She kills the engine by turning the key and shamelessly removing it from the ignition.

Just as she sits back to tries and relax, nerves conquer her body; fear nitpicking at her. Her breathing became uneasy when she heard, "This doesn't look like a restaurant, babe. Unless you changed your mind and wanted to come to some...mystery club after all," Normani then giggles humorously at her own comment, her chocolate brown eyes flicking every which way, absorbing in her surroundings.

"Yeah," the highlighted blonde murmurs to herself, fidgeting and tracing the shape of her car key. Normani couldn't blink her way since the tongan was halfway out of the car. Walking over to the passenger side, she pulls the door handle, and open the door, sticking out her left hand in the process.

The ebony woman welcomely grasp her hand, feeling waves crashing in her stomach just from the briefly touch of her hand. Her cheeks begins to softly burns up from thinking too much about the stunt as she flips her hair to hide her flush cheeks.

Dinah pushes the door shut, and leans onto the door; pulling in Normani and smashing her body into hers. She bit her bottom lip, boring back into her eyes as if this is the last she will ever see her. And it is. Maybe. It all depends.

"I love how you look at me," Normani whispers, her brown eyes dances with very much enthusiasm, "You look at me like I'm the only girl in the world, yet you look at me like you're going to lose me too," she grins, displaying her pearly whites as the crease around her eyes squint in the most adorably way possible while her laugh line stretches.

Dinahs' eyes pools up on their own accords. Normani catches on quickly, the glint of concern flashes across her eyes, "Whats wrong, baby? Was it too cheesy?" She questions, her eyes flicking everywhere, scanning Dinahs' mahogany eyes. Dinah chuckles away the tears in her voice, the pad of her thumb hurriedly wipes away the evident of falling teardrops.

"I just take everything you say to heart," Dinah replays smoothly than ever, and Normani head tilts at the slightest with her million dollar smile, "And I, umm–" she sniffles and shakes her head, attempting to remove the heavy lump resting in her throat, "–I know what I am going to say...ri-right now...will–umm...hurt your heart instead," she clears her throat subtly, pushing out her chest, inhaling deep an breath.

"Dj...what are you talking about?"

The caramel woman clenches her eyes shut, rolling them behind her lids. Normani immediately clutch her hand under Dinah's chin and her fingers press into both of her cheeks, "Dj what's wrong?"

"Times up," one of the guards announces, startling her. Whipping around, Normani absentmindedly mouths what he says.

"...Times up? Dinah, answer me...what is going on?" She demands as warm as she could but time is ticking and so is her patience.

"Mani, I– remember that deal I made and...discuss with you?" Normani shifts her head back slowly before she shook her head in one motion.

"We were suppose to be celebrating tonight because you paid off your amount..." Normani trails off, watching as Dinah avoid her gaze by staring elsewhere, "Please tell me you paid them, Dj," Normani whispers as her voice strains from the lump uninvitedly appearing in her throat.

"This is why we are here," the caramel woman wipes under her nose as Normani hand haltingly removes itself from her cheek, "To-to pay off the debt that I am in...but...I–"

"You what, Dinah?" At this point, Normani didn't want to believe what is coming out of her mouth next, though she have a clue. When they were at the apartment, Dinah ask her to put on the most nicest dress she has. Beat her face the best to her ability...wear the finest jewelry she own, why? Because they were going out...

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