It Takes Two to Tango

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|Where are you?
Read 3:12 pm

I'm coming asshole|

The brown girl erupts an droughts chuckles as she shifts upward, sliding her iPhone into the back of her pocket. Exhaling as she shifted back, her right hand went into her leathered center console, fishing for her 5X gum pack. Grabbing a piece, she threw the gum pack back into the organize console. Crumbling up the silver wrapper afterwards, she stuffed it in her black denim jean jacket.

Sighing again; her right hand goes to cover her brown and black partially wooden wheel, leaning slightly over the right; staring back into the rear view mirror. Her index finger pushes her glasses frame up more onto nose-bridge and her fingertips from her left hand precisely ran over her hollowed cheek, and went under her slightly chiseled jawline.

Her phones rattled against her butt, and she whips it irritatingly.

|Seriously where are you? She is coming any minute now...

She decides not to respond, instead she pops the door handle; swinging her left leg out and then her right. Some people kept flashing down the sidewalk, some people lurk as she reveal her face. Adjusting her jacket, the right hand smoothly closes the door without her having to look, and then she headed into the small diner, entering it.

Some randoms murmur to themselves, speaking on her car; practically believing she is rich when in reality she live the same life they are living. She just like big and better things. Her friend turns around at the ding of the bell, and smiles when she sees the ebony woman approaching her table.

"Well, it is about damn time," the dirty blonde haired woman comment loud enough for her to hear as she lift out of her seat, "Shit...I've been waiting for ages," she complained, dapping up the older woman while Normani tilted her head with crease brows.

"It has been only five minutes," she resort correctly after releasing from their hug and going over to other end of the table, taking a seat.

"Four," the blonde disagrees quickly then went to sip her latte to see if the older woman would return for a debate.

"Whatever," she shrugs nonchalantly and grins when she discovers defeat over the tongan woman face, "So you said she is coming any minute now?"

The blonde nodded, swallowing, "She was suppose to be here before you but I guess you guys can't tell time."

"Oohhh," Normani drags out, raising her hands in surrender, "Says the person who is always late out of us two."

"...It is not about me," she declares, playfully rolling her eyes, "It is about 'chu," she giggles when the brown girl shakes her head in disbelief.

As two close friends catches up, the entrance bell linger in their ears as they speak but never looked up from their heated debate. The heels click against the tile floor as the cuban-american makes her way over to her girlfriends' table. Dinah feels the need to glance behind Normani and catch a glimpse of Lauren walking in her direction.

Normanis' lips kept moving oblivious to Dinah shutting her out as she daze at the sight behind her. Standing up from her chair abruptly, startling the ebony woman and causing her brows to crease deeply with a turn up lip.

"The hell is wrong with you?" She ask, looking up at Dinah.

"Hey baby," Dinah greeted dreamingly, stretching out her arms, "Finally you made it," she mumbles when a pale skinned woman walks into her embrace. Normani doesn't stands nor does she continue to look, instead she sips on her latte that she ordered.

"Sorry I was late," the dark haired woman pulls away while Normani pushes up her glasses on her nose, "Traffic is not the nicest thing." She softly chuckles, feeling on Dinahs' bicep.

"I understand," Dinah nods in agreement as Normani snaps her head up bewildered while the tan woman runs her hand up and down the other woman forearm.

"Oh, but when I'm late–I get cuss out," Normani chimes in before her lips wraps back around her straw.

The woman turns around revealing her face. The sip of latte stop traveling through the straw and stayed in place as Normani eyes flick every so often on the woman facial structure. Her hair is loosely wavy with just a few strands not staying in place as it is hanging on her shoulders and her eyes are most definitely the best feature about her. Striking emerald green pool around her tiny pupils as another color spreads into a grayish blue tint while amber flecks swim in the rest of her orbs.

Her lips are almost inconceivably plump and shaded hot pink with just enough moisture. Her full eyebrows are done neatly–though the front of her brows sprouts upwards as the rest of the brows goes back smoothly from the center to the end.

"I'm Lauren," she pushes back the abandoned strands of loose hair once Normani gaze doesn't soften, "Dinah tends to be like that sometimes," she cackles nervously as the gorgeous girl raise her both of her brows.

"I know, I'm her best friend," she replies and goes back to sipping from her straw; her eyes never leaving hers, "Are you telling me what I know?"

"Ri-right, totally, I understand! I didn't mean to, umm–"

"I'm kidding, relax," her and Dinah laughs in harmony, "It great to finally meet you Lauren," she stuck out her hand in midway. Lauren immediately shakes it, beaming from them joking with her, "She talks about you a lot. I was beginning to think you weren't real," she laughs and Dinah joins her. Lauren later chimes in with her laughter, too. Absentmindedly grinning at Dinah's smile, "But you are," she says as low as possible peering at them through her glasses.

"Well, umm," Dinah clears her throat and search around for an unused chair. Finding one in sight, she rush over to it and pulls it over to their table, "Have a seat, have a seat. So how was your day?" She ask, plopping back down after helping Lauren in.

They went on and on about her day and Dinah's as well while Normani share her input on every topic with minimal sentences. As time grew, something deep in Normani grew as well. She could've sworn that part of her life was devoured. If it wasn't Lauren would've been added to her list immediately.

She wanted Lauren. She didn't want to deny it and makes the situation more difficult than what it already is because, obviously she is occupied with someone else. Instead she makes a new list. Lauren will be on top of that list and will be the only one at that.

Lauren will be defiant, she will restrain from her. Nothing that Normani can't handle or control, all women did it with her the first time around. Normani glances at her as Lauren threw her head back, laughing obnoxiously, patting her knee for composure.

What Normani doesn't realize is that, it takes two tango–not one. does lead. And she doesn't mind doing that, helping the others slowly comply later on.
Creepy Normani? I know. Very out of the ordinary.

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