When The Rain Pours, So Does Everything Else

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The small lifeless raindrops splattered peacefully against the window pane of Normani's bedroom. The pale, illuminated moonlight shined in the most difficult areas of her room. Her body is somewhat sprawled; her left arm hanging off of the bed by her bicep, her right foot is completely naked from the cover abandoning it in the middle of the night. Her left leg is bent whilst the cozy, thin sheet wrapped her half of her body and part of that leg.

Everything was soothing until the doorbell rang making her breathing stop and her face twitch. The doorbell rang out a few more times until the uninvited visitor thinks it was enough to get them to awake.

"Fuck," Normani curses huskily before using her strength to get up. Her feet pad against the chilled floor, and curses inside her head for not wearing socks. Then curses again because she hates wearing them when she sleeps. Traveling down the stairs, she is wide awake.

Peeking through the middle glass in her door, the person figure is blurry but she knows it is a woman. Opening up the door, the female turned around; silently thanking god for Normani opening the door. She didn't want to find her second house key and sneak into her loft like a stalker.

"Lauren?" Normani question the soaking girl, "Co–come in," she says, interrupting Lauren's thoughts to respond, and instead obey her by only stepping onto her door mat, "What are you doing here?"

Normani had shut the door, asking her, and didn't realize how broken those eyes looked. Her body quivers in her wet clothing, shaking in her boots; literally, as Normani shoulders slump already summing up assumptions.

"Ca–can I stay the night?" Lauren ask, bottom lip shivering and all. The cool air isn't helping her situation at all, and what she wanted to do most is: get out of these wet clothes and be spooned by her best friend.

"Of course, Lo, come in," Normani says, slightly shaken at how cold Lauren looked. Going up the stairs, it was a towel wrapped around the handle right when you approached the stairs. Grasping it off, she went back down the stairs, and ordered for her to strip politely.

Not wanting Lauren to get her floor wet, she carried her up the stairs bridal style, avoiding the soft and pity-like gazes from the porcelain girl that is in her arm. Entering her bathroom, she settles Lauren down at the door.

"There is soap and, umm–" she rushes into her closet which was a few inches away from the bathroom, "–a fresh, washcloth...uh, enjoy," she turns on her heels, and then something hits her, "And there are new toothbrushes in the cabinets...I hate–"

"People who don't brush their teeth," Lauren finishes, her voice lingering a bit as she stays stiff at the door; hoping that Normani would turn around to glance at her. But she didn't, "I remember."

"...Right," Normani nods her head, and went to plop onto her bed; the light now reflecting onto her cocoa tone. Lauren looks on for a few before actually getting into the shower.

Sighing, Normani leaned back with her hands behind her head. Her jaw flex as she squeezes her teeth, trying to focus onto why is she acting so weird? Why did Lauren even decided to visit to her? Even after all those years.

So immersed in her thoughts, Lauren had finished both of her hygienes and is currently standing in front of Normani with her towel–to some degree–slipping off of her damp body.

"M–mani?" She called out, shivering from the cool air.

Lifting up her head, she got up immediately, and rush over to her drawers; pulling out an FUBU t-shirt and one of her fresh Calvin Klein briefs she hadn't worn yet. Shifting upward from her bottom drawer, she ended up pushing it close with her foot, and begin walking over to the porcelain girl.

Normani ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now