When The Rain Pours, So Does Everything Else| Two

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One Month Later

The southern woman breathe out intensely as she entered her loft, and close the door; locking it. Setting down her backpack near the key rack, something appetizing filled her nose when she stood her from placing down her bag.

Noticing something she didn't notice before, it was Lauren grabbing two plates from the cabinets and settling them down on the counter. Her brows knotted whilst she made her way over to the kitchen, the smell of whatever she put together made her stomach growl. Lauren whipped around at the startling sound.

"Oh, good evening," The cuban-american greeted, twirling back around; putting food on the very expensive plates, "Why don't you go upstairs and get ready? I'm sure you wouldn't want to eat dinner dirty," Lauren ordered solely, tapping the spoon on the edge of the plate.

Normani looks down at her daintily dirty jumpsuit from work. Her grey wife-beater had a few sections of black dust plastered on it. The job of a Mechanic. She scoff lightly, and went jogging up the stairs then into the bathroom.

Presently the both of them are at Normani's dinner table, eating quietly as their forks and spoons tap subtly on their plates but somehow whooshes throughout the loft. Breathing wasn't heard until Normani spoke up.

"You didn't have to do this," Normani started after shallowly swallowing, "I could've order take-outs..." she finished, trailing off a bit when she thinks Lauren isn't listening. The latina fork hasn't stop moving whilst Normani look on; becoming slightly uncomfortable.

"I know what I didn't have to do, Mani," she replied after dragging on that moment of silence. Normani plump lips parted to speak but had no idea in mind. Why is she acting so weird?

Ten minutes passes and Lauren had finished; placing her empty plate in the sink, washing it. A moment goes by and Lauren pass Normani and goes up the stairs. The ebony girl doesn't turn to look instead sit at the dinner table alone, tapping her fork on her unfinished plate.

It had been twenty minutes and Normani finally breaks out of her trance when she feel a hand travel from her shoulder blade to just above her chest. Leaning off her of left arm, she glances down at the pale hand on her chest, and then cranes her neck to find Lauren in a see through lingerie.

"Lauren," she calls out in awe, standing up to her feet immediately, forcing the dinner chair to push back roughly; scraping against the hardwood floor. The hand that was place on her chest, pushes her back down, shifting forward while doing so.

"Shhh," she shushes a flushing Normani with her index finger. Taking the unfinished plate, she uses the right amount of strength to slide it down the table. It ended up where she was previously sitting. Shifting back, the robe slipped off of her shoulder and limped over the crease of her forearm.

"...Lauren, wh–..." She freezes just as the robe hits the floor. Her eyes linked to the Christian Louboutin and gradually hiked up her naked legs hungrily. Lauren takes notice with the hungry look in her eyes, smirking inwardly, and place a hand on her hip.

Normani closes her eyes, securely gripping the arm chair till her knuckles turns another complexion. She soon heard the click of a button and seconds later a measurable hymn left Normani's mini speakers that were place around the loft, hidden in the corners.

A passionate Beyonce sung through the speakers, singing one of her favorite songs: Speechless. The top row of her teeth gloze over her bottom lip, constantly gliding the edge of her teeth over it for composure.

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