The Office With Mani| Two

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9:38 am

"Good morning, Paul," The manger; Tom greeted, flying right pass him as his tie wiggles in the air. Paul turns around, attempting to speak to the rushing manager but caught him hitting his foot against one of walls in between the stations. Tom strain out a groan, cursing under his breath while his skin turn strawberry red.

Paul peeks at the camera and swiftly breaks the eye contact from: second hand embarrassment. Tom, rushing towards the office lounge, glance at the camera before rolling his eyes; mumbling to god.

9:42 am

"Alright everyone listen up," Tom says walking back onto the floor. Most turns their head in his direction, "We have a busy day toda–..." Tom pauses abruptly after taking a sip of his coffee from his mug. Swallowing, the others that weren't listening before lifted their head up from the halt in his sentence, "Who..." he smiles slantingly, eyes flicking over the workers, "Who made this coffee?"

The camera shift from everyone in room, silently until it caught a hand raising in the air and flashes back over to the person.

"I did," Camila says small but prideful nonetheless.

"This shit is fucking disgusting," he says causing the brunette smile to downgrade, slowly putting her hand down along with slightly hanging her head as Lauren coughs up a laugh, and spin around in her chair to block the camera from focusing on her, "Don't ever touch that machine again. What is in it?"

It transition from Dinah's expression to Camila's. She glances at the camera twice as the attention builds up on her. The camera focus on Paul crushing on Wendy's salty crackers, smacking loudly while a few crumbs crumbles from his mouth.

"...Bananas," she got out quietly and Lauren exhale, slumping back into her chair from the answer.

"Of course...the next time I hear the word banana, I'm going to go bana–"

"I thought you didn't want us to say it?" Dinah interrupted with a blank expression, and the camera catches Normani upper lip turning up with lightly creasing brows.

10:04 am

"I don't mean to sound materialistic nor do I mean to sound mean," Normani speaks into the camera as it struggles to focus on her face. Once it does, she continues, "But...the shoes that people wear on their feet at this job are just–"

Camila Reebok with the straps came into view as she waited by the printer. Paul, passes by her, showing off his black bell bottom floating over his colorful Nike. If Normani didn't know any better, he would probably have a camel toe, too.

"–very unacceptable, you know?"

At her desk, Camila take her seat from across the room, silently drinking the banana flavored coffee.

" what I'm saying," she finishes, crossing her arms.

10:29 am

Lauren phone was in the camera as she click her home button and swiping up her screen, dismissing Instagram only for her to go back to the app. She curses under her breath for doing that, she hated doing that.

12:30 pm

"I think that maybe if I eat it. He won't notice," Derrick says from his side conversation.

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