Chapter Eighteen (NSFW)

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I brought myself back up on the sink, and slowly began to cry. I didn't know why emotions were taking over me but they were. I mean, how would I tell Kate that Jessica kissed me? Like what if she thinks I'm cheating? I can't have her think that and then lose her. But she should just take it like it happened, and that I didn't kiss back. She'd believe me, right?

The thoughts continued to fill my head, every time some new positive thought came to mind, a negative one came to counter it. I was officially breaking down in the school bathroom. Alone. I sat alone in the bathroom for another period of class to go by. I didn't know what to do, all I knew was that I really needed Kate, but I wouldn't have an reasonable reason as to why I was alone crying in the bathroom.

I froze and thought for a second, maybe if I texted Tyler and told him to meet me outside and he might come to my rescue. He's my best friend. I'm sure he would come. I pulled out my phone and sent him a quick text. I got a response in no time. He said he'd be behind the school in 5 minutes. I quickly made my way outside to wait for him. In less than a minute he was there.

He smiled once he saw me, but as soon as he got closer, his smile went into a frown. He could tell I had been crying. "Emaline are you okay?" He asked worryingly. "I don't really know, a lot just happened, and a lot just hit me," I said slowly falling into his arms as he embraced us within a hug. I cried silently for a few minutes before he spoke. "How about we go to the arcade to cheer you up?" He suggested with a smile. I nodded my head slowly. "That sounds like a good idea," I said with a smile.

Tyler always knew how to cheer me up. We walked together slowly to the arcade as I explained what had happened. He kept telling me, and trying to reassure me that Kate wouldn't think anything of it. He said, it was simply a kiss, that I didn't return. He started to help me feel a little better, and less worried to what Kate would think.

We eventually arrived at our "safe place" the arcade. We quickly took a seat in our favorite both that was all the way in the back, we ordered a large plain pie, and some drinks. I smiled at him, "Thank you for this, it means a lot, and I really needed it." I told him as I picked up a piece of pizza. He returned a smile, "Anytime, I'm your best friend, and I'm always gonna be here for you, you know that." He said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it, to reassure me. "Wanna go play street fighters?" I asked smirking, "Whoever loses pays for the meal." I said to him, he immediately shook his head in a 'yes' way.

5 rounds of street fighters later, and I had won, which meant that Tyler was paying, and I was satisfied with myself. "That was really fun, thanks." I said to him with a soft smile as we had just exited the arcade after he had paid for the food. "No problem Emaline, I'm glad you're feeling better, uh if you want, I can be with you when you tell Kate, if that'll make it easier you know," he said softly to me as we were walking. "You know, that might actually help me a lot, and make it easier." I replied to him as I grabbed hold of his hand. "I'm just glad to help," he said as he returned the hold of our hands. "You're the best gay best friend ever." I said laughing as our hands swung together.

We re-arrived at the school, with it now being lunch time, all I wanted to do was see Kate, as I missed her, but at the same time I was dreading it. I didn't know if Jess had said anything about the kiss, and if she did, I don't know how she would've told it, her kissing me? or that I kissed her, which would make it worst. I grabbed Ty's hand and held it tighter, as I wanted to cry. "Hey, hey, it's gonna be okay, just take deep breaths." He said as he had me sit down, and he slowly took a seat next to me. "I just don't want Jess to have said anything, and then say that I kissed her, when I didn't, girls can be so mean, I used to be a mean girl." I said to him with tears filling up in my eyes. "Hey, come here." He said as he held open his arms and I came and snuggled up next to him as I cried.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2019 ⏰

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