The Cube

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"Oh! This is sooo exciting! We get to meet Voltron!" Ezor cooed. "I heard the blue paladin is a cutie!"

"Focus. We're not joining their ranks to flirt with them. We have a mission. And it is essential that we follow it closely," Acza replied.

Ezor sighed. "I know... but We could have fun doing it at least." Acza glanced over her shoulder At Ezor.

"If You talk to them, you might get attached," Zethrid warned. "I don't advise it."

"I know..." Ezor hunched over in her chair. She wasn't disappointed for long as she turned to the hooded figure behind her. "What do You Think, Narti?"

"Ezor, you know she won't respond."

Ezor hid her mouth with her hand as she spoke for her mute friend. "I say we should go and meet them! Maybe we can learn a thing or two!" She smiled and looked over at Narti. "I agree!"

"You're agreeing with yourself," Acza groaned. "And Why are You making her sound like a child on helium?"

Narti shook her head in disapproval.

"You need to take this seriously!"

"I am taking this seriously! I'm trying to make the best of this! We've been traveling for so long, I just want to get out and do something!"

"We are! We have a mission in case you've forgot--"

"--Just what are you two bickering about?" Lotor's voice flooded the command room of their ship. His tone seemed either bored or annoyed. Acza decided it was both.

"Lotor!" Acza dipped her head in shame. "Apologies..."

"I'll look past the tomfoolery just this once... are you nearing the Altean ship?"

Acza checked the coordinates again. "We should be there in just a few ticks, sir."

"Excellent. Now for phase two of the plan. When you arrive, I will greet you all. I have told them about you so I don't expect any issues to arise from it." He turned to Acza. "Did you get what I requested?"

Acza's heart beat sped up. She knew how important this was. "It was difficult to obtain... but I do." She showed him a metal cube about the size of her hand.

He grinned from ear to ear. "Excellent."

Ezor stared at it in wonder and tried to poke it only for Acza to pull it away protectively, growling lowly. "Don't touch!"

"Listen to her. The cube is unpredictable and powerful. If you touch it the wrong way, you'll be blown to bits. And that's if you're lucky."

"Oh..." she looked at it nervously. "Sorry..."

Acza sighed and looked over at Ezor. "It's okay." Ezor smiled a bit.

"Anyway, set the cube out near their ship. I want Voltron to be alerted of the danger. The cube is programmed to target the most powerful member first, which is obviously the head of Voltron."

"And once We get the leader out of the way, Voltron will be lost."

"That leaves room for us to take over Voltron. The empire will live on just as it has for many decaphebes to come!"

Lotor smiled. "Well, Not exactly."

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