Chapter 7- EDITED !!

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Well hello there sexy,

Oh sorry your not Lewi :/

Anyway, cut to the chase kid! I am so so sorry i have been away! I have been so busy it is un real! Anyway i am here now and this Chapter is gonna be all about Ella getting run over by a plane ... Got yah! This chapter is about DISNEY LAND BABY! So hope you will like it.

Please Share this book with them lovely humans and Vote and Comment on what you think and if you like it.

But till next time, 

See you later baba!


" Where the fuck is my suitcase?!" Danny shouts while we all wait at the con via belt for Danny's suit case. Danny runs his large

fingers through his blonde hair stressing out over a freaking suit case. "Calm down mate, it's coming now" Lewi tells him pointing at it." Anyway, why is so special to you?" Jake says teasing him. "You have Dr Cuddles with you, don't you" I say to him.

Dr Cuddles is Danny's childhood addiction, he loves the thing! I remember once he left it at the supermarket and Mum had to go get it and all his friends were there laughing at him. 

"No! I don't Ella!" He Shouts back and grabs his suitcase and cuddles it tightly. "Ok, if that's what you want us to believe" I say to him, raising my eyebrow at him. It's only a stupid Tatty grey bear with one eye and ear. It basically falling to piec--. "OW!" i clutch my bottom as Lewi pinch's it hard and leans in to my ear "Don't tease your Brother, Eleanor." He commands. I scrunch up my face and shake my head at him. "That's Hurt Lewis!" I shout back at him as he begins to walk towards the exit with the boys.

Suddenly he just stops and turns on his heal towards me. "You what, Ella?" He looks angry, annoyed more like. He paces towards me, fast. He stops and his beautiful face is only a inch from mine. "Don't.You.Dare.Call.Me.Lewis.Sexy." He says and winks at me. He takes my hand and we walked back towards the boys.

 We arrive at the hotel. Its is the biggest hotel i have every been in, no the biggest i have seen! The Grand stone white building towers over us, its beauty reflecting so kind of spell on us making us just simply Look with our mouths wide open like we are doing a very bad impression of a dying goldfish. Trees sprout from the ground casting shadows on the tidy pavement we stand upon. Large windows make the place feel like we are entering heaven.

I look at Jake. He turns his head and looks at me and grins so wide it scares me. He nods his head Cooley. "Better than Beyonce" He says like he is .... well high. He laughs lightly. "Lets go!" Danny say, clearly he is creeped out as well by Jake's latest actions, shocker. 

We all stubble into the hotel lobby. The staff is hurrying around like headless chickens wearing roller skates with one wheel, hectic, I know right. The reception is located at the back of the marbled floored room. It's large, very large. You could possibly get lost in this place.

Lewi grabs my hand and rushes through the crowd. His hand is warm and soft, his grip is tight. I love that. We reach the desk and a blonde haired women wearing a grey blazer and shirt with a white pencil skirt stands looking at us. " Can i help you?" She looks Jake up and down when he joins us. No one speaks for a second, I look up and see they are all looking at me. I roll my eyes at the boys. " erm... yeah... we booked at three hotel rooms under the name Morgan?" I say maybe to fast. " Can i have your address please?" She says smiling wide. "Yea--" "Sure you can darlin' it's ..." Take interrupts me, yet again another "Shocker". " Here is your keys, Sir, hope you enjoy your stay" She smiles sweetly. " Oh i will if you stick around sweetheart don't you wor-- hey!" Jake says attempting to hit on her but we rescue him just in time. " What the fuck! Cock Blocks! I had her then!" Jake say annoyed be the sound of it, couldn't imagine why. " Jake, mate, she had the "help me" look on her face." Charley says with his hand on Jake's shoulder. Jake sighs " Its America mate, there is plenty of gals here!" Danny says." guess your right" Jake says cheering up a bit.

Me and Lewi enter our room, a lovers suit. Fancy, beautiful, perfect. i catch Lewi watching me admire the room. He smiles at me and cradles my face in his large, soft hands. " Ella, your so beautiful" he whispers nuzzling my hair." I want to be yours forever, i never will let you go, never. Your mine, I'm yours, I want to keep it that way forever." He whispers sweetly. Tears form in my ears as i look in his eyes. "Kiss me..." i whisper. Lewi smiles lightly at me then our lips join together. His soft lips on mine. The lips i have longed for, for to long now. The kiss, the passionate kiss that told me that this man is the man i'm meant to be with forever. 

He pulls back and our eyes connect. He pushes a loose hair behind my ear.Ugh i love when he does that. He starts to laugh, a real boyish laugh. "Fuck Eleanor I'm in love with you" he laughs. " And ... the problem is?" I say narrow my eyes at him. " 15, I have 15 years of fucked up games." He says looking at me in they eyes with his arms around my waist. "Then your my 15 then" I say stroking his face. " Bette nickname then Lewis" He smiles. " Yeah" I laugh, Lewi joins in and we are just stood there laughing, smiling, joking, with my 15 in my arms. My man, my life, my ... everything. Wow!

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