Chapter 03

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I stood up and grabbed my phone charger, and ran down the stairs, I still had my outfit on from last night, so it's fine to go out. No one was awake so I could easily sneak out of the house. So, I started walking in the direction of my house, which was only a block or two away from Namjoon's. I love walking, it clears my mind from everything.

When I got home I made sure my keys were still on my dining table, and thankfully they are, then I quickly brushed my hair and teeth. I threw my dirty clothes in the hamper and picked out a plain white shirt, under a pink Puma windbreaker, some really light blue skinny jeans, and white converse high tops. When I changed I put my hair in a quick messy bun, and grabbed a banana from my fruit bowel, then got in the car.

It was a ten minute drive to the recording studio, so I didn't have much time to think about anything, thankfully. When I got to the door I scanned my card to get in, then tried to find the room Jimin was using. When I found him he was already singing the intro he had planned. I stood in awe at his voice. He stopped in the middle of the song and let me in.

"I'm glad you could come! You're great with fixing things, and you're blunt, so it's great having you here. You calm me down, too."
"Thanks, Jimin. What are we working on?"
"It's a love song written towards the girl I love."
"Ooooh crush!? Who is it?"
"Can't say, maybe one day I will."
"Tell me!"
"I will whenever she's ready to date again."

Jimin and I stopped bickering and got to work on the song.

"You're coming in way to high pitched."
"Jimin you're still way to high pitched!"

After a few hours of hard work his intro was finally done. I smiled and Jimin gave me a high five. He grabbed the keys to the recording studio and locked the door behind us. Jimin invited me to lunch because of all the work I did for him, I accepted. When we were in the car I heard my phone ring. Of course, Taehyung of all people. I answered and put the phone up to my ear.

"(Y/n), please I still love you! You have to come back. I don't know what I was doing! I was drunk!"
"You use that excuse all the time."
"Please believe me, come to lunch with me, I'll make my case."
"I'm having lunch with Jimin, maybe you should have lunch with Lisa."
"I thought I loved her but I don't, I love you! Please come back, I'll treasure you this time."
"When you get some rehab, and rewrite the past so nothing happened between us then I'll come back, Taehyung."
"Okay! I'll get rehab! I promise I'll never drink again!"
"I don't love you! Kim Taehyung I do not love you anymore!"

I hung up, not caring about what Taehyung had to say. Jimin was already out of the car waiting for me. He didn't ask anything about the call, by knowing him he will after lunch. We walked in and ordered something. I just got something small, Jimin insisted I have some of his mashed potatoes but I declined. When we got back in the car to go back to the studio to get my car, he asked me about Taehyung.

"What did he want?"
"He claimed he still loved me, and dated Lisa out of lust. He asked me to lunch, but I told him I was already coming with you."

Jimin smiled.

"(Y/n), you don't deserve him. He will continue to make excuses, not changes. You deserve someone who will really love you, someone who will be willing to go through anything with you. You deserve to be treasured and adored. You deserve someone who wants to spend their life with you."

I blushed at Jimin's words.

"You have someone in mind?"
"Not necessarily."
"That's pretty descriptive though."
"Uhh, look we're here!"

Jimin dropped me off at the studio and got out of his car.

"Oh, Jungkook told me to tell you that Jin doesn't want to write the song for the four...non-rappers. So can you think of something? Jin asked you to do something for his girlfriend, he wants to prove that he loves her."
"Sure thing, Jimin."

I smiled and waved at Jimin. He grabbed my wrist before I got in the car and pulled me in a tight hug. He had one hand still on my wrist and the other on my waist. I put my arms above his neck and smiled into his neck, he wrapped his now free hand around my back.

"Be safe, (Y/n), I can't loose you."
"I will, I promise."

We broke the hug moments later, and I finally got in my car. My heart starting pounding out of my chest, why did I feel this way? I don't love Jimin. So why does my heart pound when he tells me to be safe? Why do I blush when he tells me what I deserve?

I ignored my thoughts and just drove home. I sat on the couch and watched TV, it was only 4 but I had nothing else to do. Suddenly I remembered the song I was supposed to write, I quickly got out some paper and pencil. I didn't know much about Jin's girlfriend, so I decided to text him and ask.

(Y/n) - What features does your girlfriend have Jinnie?
Jinnie - She has red hair, flower soft skin, dimples, gorgeous brown eyes, she's slim, and plays regional tennis. Why?
(Y/n) - Needed to know for the song, that's enough info, thanks Jin.
Jinnie - No, thank you. I'm not as good as writing as you are. Thank you for taking the favor! I'm sorry to be taking up your time.
(Y/n) - Not a problem, Bangtan comes first at all times! I promise to write something good, goodbye Jin!
Jinnie - Thank you! Have a good evening, (Y/n).

Jinnie went offline
(Y/n) went offline

I think I'm going to focus on her dimples. Not a lot of people have dimples.

I quickly jotted some ideas and spent until 7 finishing the song. It was finished at 7:30, thankfully I still had time to do basic things. I changed into pajamas, and let my hair out of the messy bun. I got a text message from Jungkook.

Kookie - Doing alright?
(Y/n) - So far. I think I'm almost over Taehyung.
Kookie - Good! It took you a while. I'm glad you're doing better, do you need anything?
(Y/n) - I don't need anything, thank you though.
Kookie - Alright, just checking up, goodnight (Y/n).
(Y/n) - Goodnight, Jungkook.

Kookie went offline
(Y/n) went offline

I have such good friends.

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