Chapter 10

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When I woke up I heard my phone buzzing, it was a phone call from Namjoon. I picked the phone up, answered, and quickly put the phone up to my ear.

"Did you go on a date with Suga!?"
"It's all over the news."
"So you're an item?"
"No, I told him I wasn't ready to date yet."
"Oh okay."
"Can you have momma Jin come over in 10 minutes? I need advice badly."
"Sure thing, bye!"
"Bye Namjoon."

I hung up my call and saw a note by the night stand, it said that Jimin went to go get groceries for breakfast and will be right back. So, with the house to myself I cleaned up the living room a bit, and quickly brushed my teeth and my hair, then heard the doorbell ring at the door. I opened it and saw Jin.

"Need help?"

I motioned him to sit on a chair across from me, and I sat on the other side. The porch was calm and didn't look like a tornado, so it was perfect to be given advice.

"Jin, I think I like someone, but I can't tell."
"Well, what do you think of them?"
"What do you mean?"
"When you two are together, what do you feel?"

I thought for a minute, then had the perfect response.

"When he holds me I feel safe, when he gives someone a glare I can feel his jealously and it's so cute, when he rubs my back I feel calm, when he picks me up I feel like I'm flying, when he acts like a dork around me I feel free to be who I am, when he holds me tight I feel wanted, when he gives me cheesy compliments I feel like I could die of laughter from his stupidity. When he shows he cares about me I feel, loved. I feel truly loved with him, Jin."

Jin just sat there, thinking. After a minute or two he gave me a response to what was in his brain.

"I think you love him, but won't admit it. You're still tied to Taehyung, even though you don't want him anymore. You love this guy, but can't get yourself to see that he's a good guy. You can see how nice he is, just can't picture you two together because you think your heart is in pain when it's not. You fell in love again, (Y/n)."
"Thanks Jin, this really helped."
"Can I just ask, who are you talking about?"

I bit my lip, wondering if I should answer, or if he would leak my crush to everyone in the group. After a moment I decided to just tell him.


At that point Jimin's car pulled in the driveway, he was carrying a bunch of groceries and some bags of clothes for the boys. Jin and I helped carry stuff in, then Jin left.

"How was shopping?"
"Great, what did you and Jin talk about?"
"How great of a song writer I can be."

How much I love you, Park Jimin.

"Oh, yeah you do have some potential."
"Can you excuse me for a second?"

I grabbed my phone and sat on the couch. I plugged it in so it could charge while I sent these messages.

Suga is online
Namjoon is online
Kookie is online

Okay, Suga, I need to tell him I find no interest in him.

Jagiya ❤️ - Suga can we talk?
Suga - Of course Jagiya, what's up?
Jagiya ❤️ - I'm so sorry, but I'm not interested in you.
Suga - Oh, okay. 😩 Well thanks for telling me sooner rather than later.

- Suga changed Jagiya ❤️'s name to (Y/n) -

Suga - You love Jimin, don't you?
(Y/n) - Yes, but I don't plan on confessing yet.
Suga - Okay. I was always jealous of him, and now he wins. Goodbye, I'll see you at the concert.
(Y/n) - Bye Suga

I smiled and turned around seeing Jimin right behind me watching TV. He smiled at me then turned the TV off.

"Yes Jimin?"
"You're coming to the concert right?"
"Good. We're going to get you on stage and give you credit for Go Go and Dimple."

I smiled and quickly ran up the stairs after picking out an outfit. I heard Jimin laughing when I went up but I didn't care. I got a quick shower, brushed my hair and teeth, then quickly curled my hair, and threw on a little makeup. For my outfit I picked out a light purple shirt, with light blue jeans, some white sneakers, and a bright pink sweater, along with a pink headband to match.

I went downstairs and made a bowel of soup for lunch then took it to the couch, where Jimin was watching TV. He looked at me and gave me a bright smile.

"You look beautiful."

I blushed at his comment and continued to eat my soup.


We continued to watch TV until I finished my soup, then I washed my bowel and went back onto the couch and sat beside Jimin. Jimin smiled and put his arm around my shoulders while we watch TV. We sat like that for hours until the rest of the members came and picked us up in the van to go to the concert. Jimin and I sat in the very back.

I got really tired on the drive there so I fell asleep on the window, my head kept hitting the window so I wasn't very comfy. Jimin noticed and pulled me into him, my back on his chest and him rubbing circles on my stomach. I peacefully laid in Jimin'a arms, but I got a little cold so I started shivering.

"Does anyone have a jacket?" Jimin asked the other boys.
"No why?" Jungkook asked.
"She's cold."

Jin gave Jimin a blanket that they kept in the back and put it on me, kissing the top of my head after doing so. He kept rubbing my arms and rubbing circles on my stomach. He leaned down to my ear and whispered, "sweet dreams, (Y/n)."

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