Chapter 07

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I woke up to the boys being loud as ever. They were so obnoxious, and they came back with Suga and Hobi, oh God. I sat up on the couch and rubbed my eyes. I heard Jimin yelling at the boys.

"You guys woke her up!"
"You just wanted more time to hold her!" Hobi smirked.
"Awh Jimin loves (Y/n)!" Suga said shockingly. Jimin immediately yelled no, which disappointed me at first, but then I didn't really care. I let them pick on Jimin, then greeted Hobi and Suga.

"How've you been? I rarely check on you, my apologies."
"Thanks Suga, I'm fine. I think I've finally gotten over Taehyung!"

Taehyung looked at me, he looked so upset. He grabbed my wrist and asked me to talk to him outside. I agreed, but I don't really want to talk to Taehyung right now.

"You're over me?"
"It's not hard to get over someone who treated you so bad."
"(Y/n), we were together for fives months."
"You were cheating on me for two."
"But I still love you!"
"That doesn't mean I have to love you."
"Take me back!"

Taehyung pushed me against the wall outside. There was no one there to stop him, and
I was powerless against him. There's no way out.

"I love you woman! Get that in your skull! I already apologized, what else do you want?"
"I want to love someone who will truly love me back!"
"I love you!"
"No you don't!"
"If I didn't why would I be out here right now?"
"Because you want to have someone to come home to at 3 am to make sure you're okay! Or to mess around with!"
"That's not true at all!"
"Yes it is!"

Taehyung grabbed both my wrists and pinned them at my sides, and put his knee on my waist, holding down a lot of pressure.

"Take me back."
"I think you should."
"I think you should let her go, Taehyung." I looked around and saw Jimin, standing behind him with his arms crossed. Taehyung immediately took all the pressure off me and went inside.

"Are you okay?!"

Jimin hugged me tight, burying his face into my neck. I started to cry and I kept my face off of him. I cried so much. No mater how much I hate him, I can't get away from him.

"Thank you Jimin."

I faked a smile, Jimin wiped my tears, and rubbed his thumb on my chin.

"No worries. Keep your head up though, a princess can't bear to let her crown fall off."

I smiled and heard loud noises. I went inside to see Jin holding Taehyung down on the floor, screaming in his face.

"You idiot! You never confront such a wonderful woman like that! Or any woman at all! You've lied to her constantly, leave her alone! She needs time to herself! Taehyung you've become obsessive!"
"It's not my fault! I love her! I want her to be happy!"
"If you want her to be happy then get out!"

Jin picked Taehyung off the floor and pushed him towards the door, where Jimin and I were.
Taehyung left, leaving an awkward atmosphere. Which didn't last long.

"(Y/n) are you okay!?" Suga ran up to me and hugged me, both of his hands in my mid back. I hugged him back, wrapping my hands on his waist.

"I'm fine, Suga."

We broke our hug, and I decided to go home. I grabbed my keys and walked into my apartment, to find, Taehyung! I ran out and tried calling Namjoon, but Taehyung grabbed it. It was dialing, but Taehyung never ended the call. Hopefully Namjoon gets the hint that I'm in trouble.

"You chose Namjoon over me!"
"You chose Lisa over me!"
"Good point."

Suddenly he was calm, collected.

"But you're right. I want someone to come home to at 3 am to fulfill my needs. You're not going anywhere, I have the keys, and made a spare. If I'm ever craving you I'll just come to you. Like I will now."

Taehyung licked his lips and pinned me against a wall, kissing my neck.

"Taehyung stop! Stop! Help!"

I screamed as loud as I could, he pulled on my tank top, ripping it off, he started kissing down my chest, he kept me pinned, he knew I was powerless.

"Taehyung please! Stop! Help! Someone! Help me!"
"Whose gonna save you baby? You're crush? Namjoon?"
"I don't love Namjoon! Help! Someone!"
"Who do you love then?!"
"Not you!"

I screamed and tried to push him away. I closed my eyes and felt all the pressure get off me, I feel in the floor and cried. I opened my eyes to see Namjoon, beating Taehyung up in the floor. I ran out of my apartment and saw Jimin in the door. I fell into his arms and cried, he held me close to his chest and laid his head on mine.

"I got you now, it's over, it's over."

I kept bawling into Jimin's chest while he pet my hair. I didn't care that I had a bra on, I didn't care that Taehyung could pull me away any second, I was with Jimin, I felt safe.

"Suga get her stuff."

I heard Jimin say, and he moved us both. Jimin pulled me off of him and put a jacket of me. He caressed my cheek, and looked me in the eyes. "It's over now, he will never hurt you again, I promise." Jimin smiled and pushed me aside. I looked in the apartment to see Namjoon and Jimin looked down at the floor to see a really beat up Taehyung.

"He reeks of alcohol. He did it because he's drunk."
"Makes sense, but I swear if he ever hurts her again-"
"Clam down Jimin. He won't touch her."
"We need to keep her safe. Correction, I need to keep her safe."

Suga interrupted my eavesdropping and took me to their car. I sat in the backseat with Suga, and we waited for the other two to come out.

"How did you know what was happening?"
"We didn't, we heard you screaming in the phone and came down as quick as we could."
"I called Namjoon though."
"Jimin and I were still at his place."
"Thank you so much Suga."
"Hey don't thank me, but seriously if it wasn't for me Taehyung would be dead right now. Jimin was planning his murder and everything, it was odd."

I giggled a little bit. The boys got back in the car and told me that they were sorry I had to go through that.

"She can't stay at her apartment, Taehyung has her key," Suga commented.
"She needs a place to stay." Namjoon looked at Jimin, who smiled big.
"She's staying with me."
"But I wanted her to stay with me," Suga smirked.
"No. She's mine. Back off."

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