Chapter 08

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When we got to Jimin's house I was a little scared to live with him, I don't know why, just my heart soared and I felt nervous. I got my stuff and put it on the floor in the living room, Jimin said I would have to stay there until he could afford another bed. I put my things were they would go, and kept my clothes in a suitcase, along with my dirty ones in a small hamper by the TV.

"I'm sorry you don't have an actual room."
"It's fine Jimin. I don't mind, thank you for letting me stay."

I gave him a smile and went into the kitchen just for a glass of water. Jimin came in with me and stood by the wall.

"Did you eat today?"
"When is the last time you ate?"
"Popcorn last night."
"Aish, (Y/n)."

Jimin frowned and grabbed a microwave dinner. It was about 3, but by the time he fixed it, and got things to go with it, it was 3:30. He sat a plate of steak, with asparagus, garlic bread, and a bowel of fresh fruits in front of me. I giggled at him.

"Eat at least some of it."

He got up and went to go take a shower while I ate and watched some TV. I checked my phone and noticed I had a text from Jin.

(Y/n) - Fine now, just shocked by the whole thing. I'm glad I called Namjoon, or it would've been worse.
Jinnie - Yes. We are forcing Taehyung into rehab, he has no choice but to get clean now.
(Y/n) - What if he doesn't?
Jinnie - He will be kicked out of Bangtan.
(Y/n) - I see. Do you know anywhere I could stay? I don't want to be taking up Jimin's space for too long.
(Y/n) - Yes.
Jinnie - Okay. Uh I'll check some apartments for you during my free time, I owe you writing Dimple.
(Y/n) - Thanks Jin, I got to go, bye!
Jinnie - Bye! Be safe missy!

Jinnie went offline
(Y/n) went offline

I smiled and took my now empty plate and bowel to the sink and washed it. When I turned around Jimin was standing at the doorway.

"Eat it all?"
"Yeah I was hungry."

He turned around and sat on the couch, watching what I was watching. Why was he always checking up on me? Why did he care if I eat or not? Why does he go out of his way to make me food?

I went upstairs and took a shower, brushed my teeth and my hair, then changed into what I brought upstairs. I wore big black joggers, and a orange shirt with a small v-cut. I jumped downstairs and watched TV with Jimin. I shivered and started rubbing my arms, Jimin noticed and giggled. He pulled out a blanket from a nearby closet and wrapped it around my shoulders, rubbing them after he wrapped it.

"Thanks Jimin."
"You're welcome. I'm going to turn in for the night, there's more blankets and pillows in the closet over there, you're welcome to them."
"Thanks, goodnight Jimin!"
"Night! Sleep well!"

Jimin went upstairs and I looked at my phone again, I saw I was put in a group chat.

Jinnie joined the group
Namjoon joined the group
Kookie joined the group
Suga joined the group
(Y/n) joined the group

Jinnie - (Y/n), how are you dear?
(Y/n) - Fine, thanks. Why was this chat made?
Kookie - We're the ones who care about you most out of the group, other than Jimin.
Namjoon - Why not add him?
Jinnie - I'll tell you over our own chat.
Suga - Oi! I'm trying to sleep.
(Y/n) - Thanks for the chat. Anyway, sorry Suga.
Suga - Not your fault, Jagiya.
Kookie - You better watch it.
Jinnie - Watch what?
Kookie - If he calls her Jagiya around Jimin it will be all hell.
Namjoon - Oh Lord.
(Y/n) - I'm going to go. This group chat is making my phone ding so much I'm getting a headache.

(Y/n) left the group

I sighed and laid down on the couch, watching TV. Why would they all make a chat for me? Maybe to just catch up on me. I looked and saw that Taehyung was online.

(Y/n) - Goodbye. I will be blocking you, Taehyung. May you have a good time in rehab.

- (Y/n) blocked Taehyung -

After I blocked Taehyung I got off my phone, it was eleven at night, so I was so exhausted. I wasn't tired though, it was that feeling where you want to sleep but just can't. So, I got out my notepad and wrote another song. I hope one day they will be put to great use.


I turned around and saw Jimin, I immediately covered up the notepad and looked at him.

"Why are you up this late?"
"On what?"
"Writing music."
"Oh, we only need one song, after that we can release the album, Her."
"Sounds great."

Jimin plopped himself down beside me. He uncovered my hands and saw a song I was working on, titled, Go Go. I looked away and blushed, no one has ever saw music that I wrote on my own, just music that I write with people.

"(Y/n), this is amazing!"
"You really think so?"
"Of course I do! Come on."

Jimin stood up and offered me his hand, and I took it and stood up. He grabbed the notepad and also got the keys to his car.

"I'm going to call the boys. This is the perfect last song to our new album! Let's go!"

With that we got in his car and drove to the recording studio. We met the others in the dance room, curious to see what he called them for this late. When I saw Taehyung I tensed up and hid behind Jimin.

"(Y/n) wrote this! Isn't it awesome!"

The others took a look at my work on my notepad. They all smiled and nodded. They all decided that they would record it tonight so they could surprise A.R.M.Y with an early release tomorrow.

After hours of work, they were finally done with the new song Go Go. They released their new album at 6 am this morning. I was exhausted from pulling on an all nighter, so were the others. We all went home, and planned on sleeping in all day today.


Jimin looked at me when we got out of the car, and stood on his porch.

"Thank you, for staying up with us, for writing Go Go and Dimple. It means a lot to me. As well as the other members."
"Not a problem, like I told Jin, Bangtan comes first, always."

Jimin picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, I giggled and held onto his waist to ensure I didn't fall. Jimin carried me up the stairs to his bedroom, and laid me on the bed.

"You can have the bedroom, I'll take the couch."

I grabbed his wrist before he managed to get out the door.

"I don't want to kick you out of your own room. It's a queen, we can both fit."

Jimin smiled and got on the other side of the bed. Jimin turned to face me, we both stared into each other's eyes for a while, then Jimin broke the silence right before I was asleep.

"Sweet dreams, Jagiya."

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