Chapter 11

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When I woke up I was staring out the window, someone caressing my cheek. I look up and see Jimin, somehow that made my day knowing I was curled up to him.

"Morning sunshine."
"You woke up just in time, we're almost there."

I sat up in my own seat and looked out the window to see lots of fans. We got to the back on the building and we went in. I stayed in a different room while the boys got their hair and makeup done, until Jungkook came into the room with me with his phone.

"And this is our amazing song writer, (Y/n)!"

I could tell he was doing a V-Live so I smiled and waved, I said hello to his audience.

"So, (Y/n), I think the world wants to know, are you truly with Suga-Hyung?"

I smiled, I knew this was his way of getting me out of this rumor.

"No, I like someone else."
"(Y/n)'s such and amazing song writer you guys! She wrote two songs in our new album! You will know which two at the concert today."

I giggled, I was no longer in the camera because Jungkook loved his camera time.

"Goodbye everyone! BTS fighting!"

Jungkook turned off his camera and went into the other room, leaving me alone again. Soon I wasn't alone because Jimin came in, he was absolutely stunning.

"How do I look?"

Jimin smiled, and pulled me into a tight hug. His hands behind my back, and mine around his neck. I smiled into the crook of his neck.

"Wish me luck, Jagiya."
"Good luck, Jimin. Do well."

Jimin let me go, a blush appearing on his cheeks. He quickly picked me up and took me where all the other boys were. Of course Jin yelled at him because I was only on his shoulder and needed more support or he would drop me. When he put me down I looked at everyone, they all looked great.

"I hope you guys do well at your concert today! Fighting!"

I yelled fighting and put my fist up, they did after me. After we had our moment it was time for them to go on stage. I watched with the TV in the back room. After they performed DNA, MIC DROP, Dimple, and Go Go, all the music stopped. Jin spoke.

"There is someone special here today. She is backstage, waiting for us to come back, but we are going to get her."

Jin pointed at Namjoon, and he ran off stage. Namjoon looked at me and smiled, his dimples showing off.

"I think so?"

Namjoon walked in front of me to lead me to the stage, he grabbed a microphone for me as we headed on stage. When I got on stage I heard a lot of people saying I was Suga's girlfriend and they couldn't believe I was on stage with them, or that they were jealous of me. Hobi began speaking.

"(Y/n) has helped us in many ways over the years. She's never been noticed much. She was there before we even released No More Dream. We would like to thank her for everything she did for us. Thank you, (Y/n)-hyung."

Hobi gave me a hug then let Jimin speak.

"She wrote two amazing songs for us today, and helped Namjoon, Jungkook, and I write a song in here too. Those songs are DNA, GO GO, and Dimple. She has real potential and can do anything she wants. Thank you, (Y/n)."

Jimin gave me a tight hug, and looked me in the eyes, he mouthed I told you so. I giggled a little and he let go of me so Jin could speak.

"She wrote Dimple, because I asked her to. She wrote a beautiful song that's dedicated to my girlfriend. I love you!"

Jungkook took over.

"She also wrote Go Go, and helped Namjoon and I write DNA. She deserves credit for this album as much a we do. (Y/n)-"

Jungkook held my arm and looked me in the eyes, making Jimin give him the look. It's so adorable.

"-you've always been like a sister to me. Thank you for staying with Bangtan for this long. Sis, please do us the honor of staying with us longer."

I smiled.

"Of course."

The boys gave me attention and credit for the songs then Jimin escorted me out. When everyone was done they all came backstage, Jin coming with his girlfriend. Jin told the boys that they had a fan signing in 15 minuets so they needed to hurry, I got out and played on my phone.

After the fan signing I got in the car with the boys to go home. I didn't watch the fan signing, because I knew they would probably bring me up again, and I don't need that much credit. I sat in the back with Jimin again, but I got on my phone instead of laying on Jimin for once.

Kookie is online
Namjoon is online
Hobi is online

(Y/n) - Thanks for what you said to me at the concert, it means a lot.
Hobi - I barely even spoke before your boyfriend took over!
(Y/n) - 😂 we're not dating Hobi.
Hobi - Oh you're not!?
(Y/n) - No.
Hobi - My apologies, you just act like you are. You two are really close.
(Y/n) - Yes we are.
Hobi - Do you like him at least?
(Y/n) - Yes. I love Jimin.
Hobi - I SHIP IT SO BAD ❤️❤️❤️
(Y/n) - Hobi chill.
Hobi - Okay, okay, I'm going to hop offline and take a nap. See ya tomorrow!
(Y/n) - Bye Hobi.

Hobi went offline

(Y/n) - Kookie, thanks for what you said on stage earlier, it means a lot to me. I think of you as a brother as well.
Kookie - Awh my baby sister 😍
(Y/n) - 😂 Calm your tits, Jungkook.
Kookie - Anyway, no problem. Hobi is sleeping on my shoulder so I'm going to take the opportunity to use his head as a pillow, night. See you tomorrow!
(Y/n) - Bye Kookie!

Kookie went offline
(Y/n) went offline

I looked out the window and felt something on my shoulder. Jimin had fallen asleep on me. I let him use me as a pillow and put a blanket around him.

When Jimin and I got home, he was going upstairs then stopped at the stairs.

"You coming?"
"I thought the couch was my bed."
"Come on."

Jimin held his hand out, I grabbed it and we went upstairs. Why was my heart bounding so much? He got in bed, and I tucked him in. I went to leave, but Jimin hugged me from behind, holding my waist tightly.

"Don't go."

I turned myself around, and he let me go. I got in bed with him, he laid on his back and I laid on my side. He laughed a little and put my head on his chest. Naturally, I wrapped my leg around his hip, and laid my hand on his chest. I smiled, I never felt like I was in a better place. Jimin wrapped us with blankets and rubbed my back.

"Goodnight, (Y/n), sweet dreams."

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