one: go go

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"dollar dollar. squandering it all in one day.


run, run, man i spend it like some party

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run, run, man i spend it like some party. dollar dollar."

From taetae:
party tonight at E's! don't miss it. spread the word.

Jungkook looks up from his phone to take a long look at his best friend who's sitting right beside him. He waits for him to look back at him but he doesn't, he's too focused on his bright, huge phone.

Jungkook has always wondered what's the need to have such a big phone. he preferred one that fits perfectly into his hand, his pocket and one that wouldn't fall out. Taehyung however, loves to carry around a phone that is ten times bigger than him.

Taehyung has big hands which is probably why he doesn't like small phones. Jungkook thought and then realises he was staring at the boys hands like a creep.

Jungkook turns away, reading the message again. "I'm sitting right next to you, couldn't you just have told me the message?"

Taehyung waves his hand at his best friend, not saying anything and keeps his eyes glued to the addicting screen of his phone.

Minutes pass and a deep voice breaks the silence. "You're coming aren't you?"

Jungkook scoffs. "No."

"Why not?" Taehyung whines and puts his phone away. His brown eyes cloud Jungkook's view and he's more than aware that Taehyung is probably thinking of all the ways to persuade him to come to a wild, wasteful party.

It makes Jungkook glad when someone takes their attention away from their phone. He believes society cares more about phones than other people. "I don't like parties." He simply states.

He doesn't. He'd rather be alone and listen to music or hang out with his friends. The smell of alcohol, the claustrophobic rooms, the crazed amount of people is all too dreadful for Jungkook. He understands why they're fun to some people but to him, they're boring. People waste away a night, falling in love with alcohol, just to wake up and forget what happened.

Taehyung stands up, slipping his phone into the back pocket of his jeans. "Why?"

Jungkook stands up too and rolls his eyes at how forgetful his best friend can be. "The last time I went to one, I fainted and puked because a girl said freaking hello to me."

Taehyung's face immediately lights up with a smile as he recalls the amusing memory. "You're so funny around girls. Please come Kookie. I'll look after you. I always do."

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