Chapter 12

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It was a normal day.

Miguel was smiling, joking, participating in conversations, even starting conversations.

It made Héctor beam every time Miguel smiled.

"Papá Héctor?" A voice said, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Ah, sí, Miguel?" Héctor said, smiling warmly.

"Can we take a walk?" Miguel said, grinning.

Héctor chuckled.

"Of course, mijo!" Héctor smiled. "I'll just tell Imelda."

Miguel nodded eagerly.

"Imelda!" Héctor shouted.

"Sí?!" Imelda called back.

"Me and Miguel are going to La Plaza for an hour, okay?" Héctor yelled.

"Alright!" Imelda responded.

"Vamos, chamaco!" Héctor said, picking up his guitar.

Miguel grinned eagerly as they walked to La Plaza.

It only took 15 minutes to get there, and they took turns playing happy tunes.

They played the guitar like no one was watching.

25 minutes until the time they promised to get home.

"Alright, chamaco, let's go."

Miguel nodded, as Héctor packed the guitar away.

Miguel took Héctor's free hand, and they walked home.


Miguel is angry.

Everyone stopped worrying about him a few days ago, so now he felt like he HAD to pretend he was okay.

Of course, you can't pretend you're okay forever.

It was only a matter of time until Miguel snapped.

Rosita and Imelda were in the kitchen, making dinner.

The twins were playing an extremely long game of cards with Héctor, because the twins knew each other's moves, and Héctor was playing it safe.

Coco and Julio sat beside Victoria, who was reading a book.

Miguel sat on the floor, his arms wrapped around his knees, staring at nothing.

Suddenly, one of the twins shouted.

Miguel flinched.

"Ay, I was this close!" One of the twins yelled.

"Not close enough!" The other laughed.

Héctor chuckled.

"Dinner's ready!" Rosita said, her and Imelda carrying food to the table.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and went to the table to eat dinner.

Except Miguel.

Everyone looked curiously at the fourteen year old.

Miguel's breathing was a bit quicker than it should be, and now that everyone was paying attention to him, they noticed this.

"Miguel?" Rosita asked.

No response.

"Miguel, dinner is ready." Imelda said, voice firm.

No response.

"Ey, chamaco, everything alright?" Héctor said, getting up.

Miguel noticed this movement towards him, and flinched.

He started backing away from them, breathing getting faster.

Héctor looked stunned.

Miguel stood up.

"He's going to pass out unless someone can get him to stop panicking." Victoria said.

Héctor took another cautious step towards Miguel.

Miguel didn't move.

Only when Héctor was an arms length away from Miguel did Miguel move back frantically.

Miguel was practically hyperventilating.

Miguel collapsed, however, Héctor caught him.

Now Rosita was by Héctor.

Miguel shrieked, causing everyone to flinch.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Miguel shouted. "DON'T TOUCH ME!"

Héctor put his hands up to give Miguel space.

"Okay, chamaco, not going to touch you."

"Miguel, do you want some water?" Rosita asked.

No response.

"Are you alright, Miguel?" Julio asked.

No response.

"I'll call López." Victoria said, getting up.

Miguel backed up more and breathing became more labored as Victoria stood up.

Victoria went to get the phone anyway.

Victoria returned in 5 minutes with their neighbor, Dr. López.

"Ay Dios mio..." Dr. López muttered.

"So, what happened?" Dr. López said.

"Everything was going fine, or we thought it was, but when we called him to dinner, he didn't move, and when we got closer to him, he started breathing faster and told us not to touch him." Imelda said, looking confused.

Dr. López nodded.

Dr. López sat and thought for a moment.

"Do you still have that calming medicine?"


Holá, amigos. Lo siento it took so long to publish this chapter,I had a MAJOR writers block. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, though! ❤️❤️❤️

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