Chapter 13

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I think everyone can agree with the picture at the top.


"Ah, sí, we do." Héctor said quietly, nearly a whisper.

Dr. López nodded.

"Go get it, please." Dr. López responded.

Héctor ran to the kitchen and grabbed the medicine.

He jogged more slowly, to not startle Miguel, back towards them.

He handed Dr. López the medicine.

"Gracias." Dr. López murmured. 

Dr. López took the small medicine cup off the top, and poured the medicine in.

"Open up." Dr. López said.

Miguel did not.

Dr. López sighed, and turned around.

"He is weak at the moment, so do you mind if I?" Dr. López said, pointing to Miguel's mouth. "I won't hurt him."

"Ah, sí, if it helps him, then yes." Imelda said.

Dr. López nodded.

He turned around.

He opened Miguel's mouth using his hands, and poured the medicine in.

He then closed Miguel's mouth and kept it shut until he swallowed it.

Miguel started gagging from the bitterness of the medicine.

Dr. López sighed, then stood up.

"He should be fine." Dr. López said gathering his things. "Just get him to NOT hide his feelings?"

Dr. López walked to the door.

"Ask him what's wrong, instead of if he's alright." Dr. López said, opening the door. "Always assume something his wrong. You can always call me if you need me."

Everyone watched Dr. López in shock.

"Adios." Dr. López said, slamming the door shut.

Everyone sat still and silent.

It remained that way for a bit, until Rosita stood up.

She went over and picked up a sleeping Miguel.

"I'm putting him in his bed." Rosita said, walking upstairs.

Imelda nodded.

After Rosita left, Imelda stood up and went to sit in her favorite chair.

"Everyone." Imelda said, face expressionless. "We need to do what López said. Every time you see Miguel, ask him what's wrong."

Héctor opened his mouth to say something, but immediately shut it when Imelda gave him a look that said no further discussions.

Rosita came downstairs.

"Everyone, go to bed." Imelda said. "It's late."

"I will clean up the dishes." Rosita said, walking over to the table.

Imelda nodded, and pushed everyone to the staircase.

When everyone went upstairs and Rosita was done with the dishes, Rosita went to bed.

She thought about what she saw.

She found and declared, that it was impossible to sleep tonight.


Rosita was the first one up the next morning.

To be fair, she hadn't slept at all.

However, she was the first one to come downstairs.

Besides the twins, that it.

So, Rosita, walking downstairs at 5:30 AM, is shocked when she sees the two at the bar, drinking coffee.

She decides to watch them, silently.

Felipe runs a hand through his hair.

"Ay, poor Miguel." Felipe muttered, glancing at Oscar.

"I can't imagine what his living family is going through." Oscar replied. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Felipe snorted.

"You did just fine for a day without me." Felipe responded.

"You don't know how much anxiety I had, and how completely terrified I was in that one day." Oscar said.

"To be fair, I had a similar experience." Felipe said. "Waking up to your brother's dead corpse isn't the greatest way to start your last day alive."

Felipe paused.

"Or any day, really." Felipe finished.

There was a long pause.

Oscar started to dose off, but snapped awake when Felipe shook him.

"How much sleep did we get last night?" Felipe sleepily asked.

"Probably..." Oscar paused, counting his fingers and rubbing his chin. "About 2 hours?"

"Ay Dios mio...." Felipe murmured, resting his head in his hand and shaking it.

"Ay, cheer up!" Oscar chuckled, raising his mug. "We have coffee!"

"Hear, hear." Felipe replied, his mug clinking against Oscar's.

Oscar almost dropped his mug as his eyes widened.

Felipe's eyes widened when he though the same thing.

"We should cook breakfast!" The twins said in unison.

Rosita cringed at the thought of the last time the twins cooked.

Rosita was hospitalized, and Julio had practically lived in the bathroom for three days.

The twins started to stand up.

"Ahem." Rosita said, arms crossed, tapping her foot.

The twins froze.

They slowly turned around to face her.

"How long have you been standing there, dear niece-in-law?" Oscar sheepishly grinned.

"Long enough to say you are NOT cooking." Rosita said.

The twin's faces fell.

Rosita then grinned widely.

"You aren't cooking WITHOUT my help!" Rosita finished.

The twin's smiles quickly returned.

So, half an hour later, when Imelda woke up, she saw they were cooking, and helped.

So, at 7:30 AM, when everyone besides Imelda typically wakes up, they found a hot, steamy breakfast on the table.

Consisting on pancakes, conchas, bacon, eggs, pan dulce, toast, grits, and almost anything you could imagine having for breakfast!

Needless to say, this was definitely the best morning during Miguel's time in the land of the Dead so far.

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