[ Golden Ticket ]

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What Cindy did to Kenny was unforgivable and Butters was determined to make her pay. After that morning of confession, the two lovers didn't leave the house until Kenny had to go to work. Butters insisted that he took the night off. However, being an workaholic, Kenny wouldn't listen to him. Kenny was just happy that Butters didn't think that he was cheating on him... Butters was still shocked that this was the only thing Kenny was worried about.

Luckly, Kenny agreed to Butters request to go to the hospital for testing. He wanted to make sure he didn't catch anything from Cindy, but importantly, Butters wanted an analysis of the drug in Kenny's system. According to the lab, blood tests can identify Rohypnol at concentrations of as low as 4 ng/ml; the elimination half life of the drug was 11-25 hours. For urine samples, metabolites could be identified 60 hours to 28 days, depending on the dose and analytical method used. Hair and saliva could also be analyzed; hair was useful when a long time has transpired since ingestion, and saliva for workplace drug tests. Last part wasn't in Kenny's case because he didn't take it for the high.

When Kenny left the Stotch resident for work, Butters went to his room, sat on his desk chair, and pondered on his next move. He needed to bring her to court. He needed to find a lawyer. Luckly, he knew a good lawyer. Kyle. His ginger friend had won many cases since he became an attorney. There were a couple of things he needed to do before he could proceed with his plan. One, he needed to talk to Kenny and explained to him that he shouldn't take this matter so lightly. Two, he needed evidence. That was the hard part of the whole ordeal. How would he find evidence? Kenny said that she took a video but... It was complicated.. mainly because Kenny destroyed her phone.

People might wonder how could Butters not suspect that Kenny might be covering for something? Like, how could he be sure that Kenny wasn't cheating on him. It was simple: love and trust. Butters' love and trust for Kenny was beyond Cindy expectations. Kenny was a victim of sexual assault and Butters would never accuse him for lying over something so serious.

He uncrossed his legs, pulled his chair closer to the desk, opened up his laptop and began to do some research on how they could prosecute Cindy for sexual assault. He learned that in Colorado, the punishment for rape by giving a drug or intoxicant to a person that renders them unable to give consent in consisted of unlimited fine and imprisonment.

Unlimited fine and imprisonment.

Butters sworn to Kenny and himself that he would make Cindy pay for her crime. If he wasn't mistaking, Cindy came from a very wealthy family. Important and wealthy family.

Butters closed the laptop, leaned back against the chair, crossed his legs, and grinned. He had found a golden ticket to solve Kenny's financial struggle and a way to set him good for life. However, it was easier said than done. He needed to find an evidence. And he needed to find it quick before it could affect the prosecution of her crime.

He was getting irritated... He had a plan to destroy her life but he had to wait for the test results. Even with the test result concluding positive, he needed to find another evidence that proved Cindy made Kenny take it without his consent. He let out a long sigh of frustration and ran his hands on his face. He felt like crying. His boyfriend got raped and he couldn't stop it. He wanted to bring justice but it wasn't simple. Something such as this case was never simple. He got up and began pacing back and forth. He needed more evidence. More Evidence. More Evidence! He kept shouting in his head over and over. The anger turned into rage and he couldn't contain his calm anymore. He clenched his hands into a fist and was about to throw a punch on the wall when he was stopped by the sound of the doorbell.

Butters waited for one of his parents to answer the door but he forgot that they weren't home. He took a deep breath to clear his head and to calm himself down. He slowly made his way to downstairs and walked to the door. He opened it and to his surprise he saw Clyde and Token.

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