bus ride

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[No POV]

The morning of the trip soon came in. Kacchan woke up at around 7 AM , they were scheduled to leave at around 9 AM. Katsuki wasn't sure on what to do in his free time. He grabbed his phone from the corner of his bed as he turned it on he noticed a notification 'incoming friend request from Deku 🌱' .

[Katsuki POV]

So that wimp managed to get my user somehow , whatever. I won't accept the request until he's worthy of it. I had so much time to spare though. I walked out of my dorm looking around, it seemed as if the others haven't woken up yet. With an hour left to spare I went on a morning jog. I didn't go that far ,  I just did 2 miles out and 2 miles back, so 4 in total. I was all sweaty so as I made my way back to the dorms I grabbed some clothes and headed to my bathroom. I took a quick shower and shower thoughts then started flowing through my brain. I realized I'd have to be strapped down next to Deku for the next 2 hours as we make our way to the airport, great. I hop out of the shower and get changed. I look at the clock and and it's already 8:15.
I start double checking everything and then make my way down to the classroom at 8:30. A few people are already there but Deku is no where in sight.

[Izuku POV]

I wake up and look at the time, 8:00. I scream as I jump out of bed rushing to get ready. I have a quick 5 minuet shower changing into a white shirt with black pants and my signature red shoes. I make sure I have everything and I start to head down to the class room at around 8:40. When I get over there Kacchan is already there and so is pretty much everyone else. Aizawa then tells us to start to head outside on the sidewalk. The class all walks over to the sidewalk and a huge chatter fest emerges. I wait by Uraraka , not gonna lie I'm a little bit nervous an entire 2 hour drive and it's just going to be me and kacchan next to each other. I start to blush. Aizawa soon comes out from the school instructing us to head inside say the bus. Kacchan was behind me meaning I had to pick the seat, I chose the one in the very back since I couldn't decide and walked all the way to the end. I take a seat and after a few faces sit down kacchan starts making his way towards me, obviously not in the best mood. I blush and look out the window trying to avoid any eye contact with him

[Katsuki POV]

I start heading into the bus, Deku was all the way in the back, so I wasn't that mad about the decision he made. I look at him and he looks out the window he has a red tint to his face. As soon as I sit down I start talking, "Listen here Deku, ima lay some ground rules and I'm only going to say them once okay" , all he could do was nod. "First off don't talk to me the entire time, don't even bother to look at me. Don't ask me any questions and for the love of god please do not touch me." "I-I okay K-kacchan" , was all he could make out , he then turned his head out the window, clearly in a disappointed mood?

[Izuku POV]

I look out the window, so much for trying to make things better. It hurt , it hurt so much , but I can't cry we haven't even moved an inch. I breathe and cool my temper. I put in my headphones and start listing to music. I look down at the ground , staring at his shoes. Kacchan was so handsome , he was so amazing , I don't know why I ever thought he would like a guy like me. I'll at least try to fix our friendship , it's the only thing I have going for me.

I know he said not to look at him , but I take quick glances every once in a while , and after all of them I look out the window and try to hide my very obvious crimson cheeks. It had been about 30 minuets and I was getting tired. My eyes were getting very heavy and I could barely keep my head up, then it all went black.

[Katsuki POV]

I could feel Deku moving around obviously trying to stay awake, but as hard as he tried he gave in. Only problem was he fell to the left , right on my shoulder. I didn't know how to react, do I push him off and yell at him? Or let him lay at rest for once. I decided on the second option not wanting to make a huge commotion on the bus. I look away , I have a slight , SLIGHT, hint of pink in my cheeks.

After looking away for a bit I look over onto his sleeping face. It was very calm , it was kind of satisfying watching his body go up and down, he seemed so in peace. Although I hated his guts I decided to let him be. I knew if that were me I would want the same. About an hour passed and we only had 30 minuets left. Izuku still hadn't woken up though. I guess he didn't get much sleep last night.

He had a small amount of drool leaking from his mouth, it was kinda funny , I let out a small chuckle trying my best not to be too loud. Guess it was loud because antigravity bitch that was sitting in front of us turned back. Which soon revealed that Deku was sleeping on me. She stared back at me , I whisper shouted at her , "Tell anyone and you're dead." She let out a small giggle and went back down in her seat.

More time had passed and we could see the airport in the horizon. Thank go- wait, I now have to deal with this stupid nerd on an 8 hour flight. Oh boy.


Another chapter done!!
These are pretty fun ٩(^‿^)۶
I plan on updating chapters as soon as I can
I seem to be on a roll right now lol
see ya!

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