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[Katsuki POV]

It was already the next day, everything was normal but I felt like I had weights on my shoulders. I knew why, I had finally accepted my feeling but I wasn't sure how to take action or react. It would probably be best to tell someone, and I know just who.

_explosionboy_: hey shitface

Red Riot: We'll nice to see you too, jeez.

_explosionboy_: whatever. anyways are you free at any point today?

Red Riot: Yup, my life is pretty dry :') . Why, what's up?

_explosionboy_: can't say through text, I'll tell you later. Meet me in the commons around 2PM.

Red Riot: oOo secretive, interesting. I'll be there. p.s. change your name it's pretty cringe

_explosionboy_: alright see you then. p.s. ihy

-Red Riot has disconnected-

Alright, that's settled, I probably should change my name it is pretty cringe. But what to?

Username: Bakugou 💥

Simple and straight to the point, it'll do for now.

I have some time to spare, but I don't know what to do. I'll just go to the courtyard for a bit and walk around.

I started to make my way out the door and then I saw it.

The green messy hair, classic red sneakers and symmetrical freckles. At an instant I made a quick 180 and very quickly started walking in the complete opposite direction. I could hear his voice in the distance. I couldn't make out exactly what he was saying but I'm sure he was calling my name.

I ended up finding myself in a closet, it was pretty cozy if I'm being honest, not to big not to small. All there was in here was a small light attached to the ceiling. A mop and some shelves attached to the walls.

It would make a perfect hideout for when you need some alone time, so that's exactly what I was planning on making it into. Now right now though, we have to worry about not running into that shitty nerd.

I looked down at my phone. It read '12:45 PM'

I slowly allowed the door to open and peeked out, no sign or trouble so I decided to leave. I started making my way to the commons. It was actually empty surprising, well not really, everyone's probably studying or doing their massive pile of homework.

I took a seat on the couch and started playing on my phone until I heard from Kirishima.

After a few minutes I got a text.

Red Riot: Yo, I'm on my way down

Bakugou 💥: alright, I'm already here.

I shut off my phone and waited until I heard the stairs creek as someone was coming down. As expected I saw the red spikes emerge from the stairs.

"Hey Baku-bro, what'd you wanna talk about?"

"First of all, never say that ever again, please. And second I have a little confession to make."

"Well? What is it, spill."

"So, there's this person that I am pretty fond of, but recently every time I've been around them I get this jittery feeling or sparks, I don't really know how to explain it. A part of me wants to be around them more and be with them , yet another part of me wants to completely avoid them and stop all possible interactions with them"

"I see, well Baku-bro this is probably gonna sound pretty crazy to hear, but I'm pretty sure you're just experiencing a crush", Kirishima says while exaggerating crush and jazz hands.

"Or maybe even, get this love"

"All the signs seem to point in that direction, but it just wouldn't make sense. Why do I suddenly want to make the person I treat like shit like me all of a sudden."

"Well there is the saying 'opposites attract' maybe you're experiencing that. Anywho time to get real juicy who's the lucky mystery person"

I freeze for a moment. The part that I absolutely dreaded in this interaction has finally came out. "Well uh it's someone that goes here. Uhm they're pretty plain looking yet still so intriguing, they're also really sweet." I go on and on describing as much as I can about him and while I'm describing them I can just see Kirishima's shitty face starting to grin ear to ear.

"So, if I'm getting this straight, you like Midoriya, correct?"

I feel the blood rushing to my face and I don't say a word. I just slightly nod my head


I slap my hands across his mouth, and I quietly but strictly say "you can't tell anyone, got it? If word gets out let's just say you're going to be 8 feet in the ground"

Kirishima shuts up but still has that cheeky grin on. He nods his head and swears he won't tell anyone.

I let out a sigh and flop onto the couch.

"Now what?" I say

"Fortnite?" He responds

"You read my mind" I say with a grin


Guess who's back BITCHES 🤠. I'm not dead it's a Christmas miracle call everyone you know and inform them. I'm EXTREMELY sorry for the delay I kinda gave up on this, but I decided no, I'm going to finish this. So finally I have awoken from my well awaited slumber and I will be updating again <3
I also want to thank everyone who's actually been reading this like???? Um im trash but I honestly love y'all so much for not getting on my ass about not updating. I promise I'll try , IM GOING TO UPDATE. Plus Marching Season is about to end so that just means more free time for me :) . That's all I really have to say, I love you guys so much thanks for supporting me it's crazy 💖💕💗

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