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[Katsuki POV]

It was already around 9 PM when we arrived so me and Deku decided it was best to just go to bed already.

I made it very clear that I didn't want to be sharing a bed with him , I went as far as making a wall of pillows to separate us.

Deku said his goodnight and I just clicked my tongue at him. After awhile I didn't hear any shifting and only heard the small breathing of the green haired Deku.

I also felt my eyes get heavy after a while and before I knew it I was out like a light.

A sudden pull in the blankets caused me to jolt up, "WHAT THE HE- " I stopped my sentence as I heard Deku's fast and heavy breathing.

The rain had gotten worse and lightning had started to hit nearby, it was quite loud to say the least.

"I-I'm scared of thunder", is all Deku said in a barely audible whisper. "Are you- oh my god you're such a little brat!!"

"I'm s-sorry I can't help it!", I turned to my side facing away from Deku. I thought he had gone back to sleep after I didn't hear him for a little bit.

"K-kacchan do you think y-you could do me a favor?" His voice was trembling, he was clearly really anxious right now. "What is it shitty nerd?"

"I-uhm", he was very hesitant to ask. "Listen Deku you better speak up right now or I'm going back to bed."

"C-could you- could you p-play with my hair, it'lL ONLY BE FOR A LITTLE BIT I SWEAR." I swear I thought Deku went mad for a second. "You want ME to- sigh." I couldn't even finish saying my sentence because of the ridiculous favor.

"P-please Kacchan I'm b-begging you."

I had to think for a bit, should I really help this delusional nerd out or leave him be. Well if I don't he'll probably just beg all night and not let me sleep, seems like I didn't have a choice.

"Come over here shitty nerd." I tore down the pillow walk I had constructed before we went to bed.

[No POV]

Izuku slightly moved toward Kacchan close enough to where Kacchan could barely touch him. He grabbed Izuku's wrist and pulled him to his chest.

"You're so fucking lucky I'm doing this Deku", the Blonde said. "T-thank you", is what Izuku said afterwards.

The blonde was hesitant at first , not even wanting to look at him. Thank god the lights were out because Kacchan and Izuku were both bright red. Kacchan finally laid his hand on top of Izuku's curly locks , it made him flinch a bit but he soon relaxed.

Kacchan started to move his fingers into Izuku's hair , which was surprisingly soft and not that tangled. With one arm he would stroke his hair , while the other held the green haired boy close enough to his chest to where he could hear his heartbeat.

Izuku was significantly more crimson than Kacchan, he was surprised he even agreed to his proclamation in the first place.

Izuku was at peace though, the sensation of his hair being moved around and massaged by another's hands soothed him.

He soon found himself getting closer to Kacchan, his face digging into his chest. Kacchan on the other hand was still stroking his hair, he didn't even know how long he had been doing it for.

After a while of Kacchan stroking his hair, Deku started to feel at ease. He relaxed and he started to fall asleep.

Kacchan took note of this as he felt Deku go into a steady breathing rate and his body felt limp. He continued to put his hands through the curly locks though.

It's almost as if he couldn't. Kacchan couldn't help but feel a little bit of tingles going around his body up and down his arms and legs, he wasn't sure what the unknown sensation was, but he knew he didn't like it.

He held Izuku tight to his chest though, as if he didn't Izuku would run away or something.

It seemed to also be satisfying to Kacchan as well. Deku's hair may look like a mess but it's pretty well kept, it's incredibly soft and nice to touch.

Kacchan started getting tired as well. He had also started to rub a little bit of Deku's forehead hoping it would help make him sleep well.

Kacchan soon started to get drowsy and then his eyelids fluttered closed.

Right then and there, both boys were asleep in each other's arms. Although everyone had thought they hated one another , it wasn't quite like that.

Kacchan found Deku tolerable, he didn't hate him , but he didn't like him that much either. Yet he is starting to grow a soft side for the boy although he won't admit it. Then there's Deku who's still head over heels for the blonde boy.

As the night went on the boys stayed in each other's arms.


I'm so bad at writing RIP Σ(-᷅_-᷄๑)

This chapter was hella short, but sweet <3

adios (๑・̑◡・̑๑)

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