morning sun beams

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[ No POV ]
The beams of light from the morning sun start to seep through the small hotel room. Just barely touching the face of our sleep deprived protagonist, Katsuki. He begins to shuffle around in the bed, but it appears... there's something in the way.

[ Katsuki's POV]
I start to shuffle around, the rays from the sun are making their way into the room, and quite frankly, they're a huge pain in the morning. I toss and turn, but I can't seem to get comfortable. My eyelids slowly start to pry open and lo and behold a green tuff of hair is right in front of me.

My eyes pop right open, but I can't gather up the courage to move. Deku has managed to wedge himself right into me, and by the looks of it, he's no where near getting up.

This is where I need to make a game plan. I look around for a bit and try to think of way to get out of this. I'm trying my best not to look at him sleep, but my curiosity gets the best of me. My eyes start to wander back down and I'm greeted by a sleeping Deku.

It was a calming sight if I'm being honest, he was slowly moving up and down due to his soft breathing and the morning sun really made his freckles stand out. I feel the heat begin to appear my face and my lips begin to crinkle up into a grin. That's when I realize that I'm being kinda creepy and my eyes quickly turn in the other direction.

I then start to push myself away from him, unlinking the two of us. To my surprise he was still fast asleep and I then lay a pillow to replace where I once was. I get up on my feet, do a few stretches and let out a soft yawn. I look around the room trying to locate my phone.

I grab it from the nightstand and begin to skim through my notifications. The class group chat got an announcement. The text reads as follows -

" Hello class, I hope you've all had a good nights rest as the following activities are scheduled for today. We are to meet outside at 2 PM for a mandatory class picnic. Dress appropriately and I'll see you soon!"

A class picnic huh? Doesn't sound too bad, I go through all my social media, but nothings new. I turn off my phone and look around. Deku is still sound asleep and is sprawled all over the covers.


I forcefully make that thought leave my head and begin to rummage through my clothes. I grab some shorts and a t-shirt and make my way towards the restroom. I shut the door behind me and head towards the shower, I turn the faucet and wait until the water gets hot.

[Izuku POV]

The beaming morning sun begins to awaken me from my sleep. My eyes creep open and I find myself sprawled all over the bed whilst holding a pillow tightly.

gosh, I really hope Kacchan didn't see me like this

I make my way up and look at my phone, I go through all my messages and respond to some of my group chats. I then see that we have an announcement. I read it and then put my phone back down.

I walk over to my stuff and try finding a change of clothes. I grab a long sleeve and some shorts and fold it on the nightstand. I sit back down on the bed and begin to kick my feet back and forth, waiting for Kacchan to get out of the restroom.

My thoughts begin to wander.

I wonder what it would be like if me and Kacchan got to have a picnic together. I'd probably make something spicy, something he'd like. Then on top of that make some chocolate covered strawberries. We would talk about anything and relax under the sun.

We could probably walk around and find different bugs and flowers to keep our mind off of things.

Then as the sun begins to set, we could enjoy it together, then look up at the night sky.

We could stargaze with one another, maybe even hold hands.

I then come back to reality

I put my hands in my hair and start blushing like crazy.

what's wrong with me ~


No way, a new chapter 1!!1!1!1! Crazy, but anyways I wanted to ask if y'all would be open to having a discord server 🥺👉👈 because I'm really bad at keeping things together and y'all could probably force me to actually update LOL, I also need friends 😔✌️. Soooooo if you guys would be down for one, please let me know in the comments 😌. Thank you guys so much for being patient and putting up with me btw, love you guys !! (о''о) ♥︎

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2020 ⏰

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