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[No POV]

The bus holding the class of 1-A soon nearer the airport. you could see the planes moving in and out. Izuku was still fast asleep on Katsuki's shoulder. The bus made a slow park at the front of the airport. Aizawa then instructed the class to make their way out the door and into the airport making sure nothing and no one is left behind.

Everyone started to get up out of their seats and grab their luggage. Katsuki then looked over to the sleeping boy. "Oi Deku, get your ass up, we're here" the blonde said. Izuku slowly opened his eyes, trying to figure out his surroundings. He got up and realized where he'd been sleeping. "aaA I-I'm sorry K-kacchan I didn't mean to sleep o-on you, it was a c-complete accident." Katsuki just flared at the boy and got up.

The boys then got all their bags and exited the bus along with the rest of the class. They all made their way inside the airport

[Izuku POV]

I'm such an idiot, I'm surprised Kacchan didn't murder me in my sleep. I thought about it for a while? Why didn't he yell at me or shove me off. Whatever, Kacchan is such a confusing boy at time.

I walked into the airport it was filled with people, Aizawa told us to get with our partners in two lines. We followed his instructions and formed the lines.

Everyone then went to the check-in counters, one by one they all showed any needed documents and identification. We then went through security check, following all of that we were seated in the boarding area.

I sat with Uraraka and Iida. We chatted about anything we could think of , we didn't board our plane until an hour. Kacchan was on the other side of the room, he was talking with Kirishima

I sighed staring at the two, I was such a pessimist. I couldn't help but think about the worst possible outcome to any situation, including this current one. I thought about Kacchan and all the possible candidates on his list of lovers, obviously I wasn't on there.

Maybe it was Kirishima? They're obviously close friends maybe even best friends at that, I could see why he would like someone like him.

"What's the matter Deku?", Uraraka asks me. "H-huh , oh it's nothing.", I respond giving a slight smile at her in the process. I lay down on the bench, still tired even though I already had a nap on the way here.

I look up at the ceiling, examining all the lights and everything that filled the atmosphere in this room. The intercom speakers then came on , "The gate for flight BI-173 is now open, repeat, the gate for flight BI-173 is now open, thank you."

We all started to follow Aizawa towards the gates of our flight, we went through some security again before it was finally time to board our plane.

It was pretty nerve racking as it was my first time flying, plus I had to sit next to Kacchan for about 8 hours in a confined space. I then made my way up the stairs into the plane

I looked at the row names trying to identify where I'd be sitting and I found it somewhere in the middle-back of the plane. Kacchan wasn't in sight yet so I took the window seat.

I was quite nervous looking out the window, small knots started to form in my stomach and my anxiety started to rise. I then heard some luggage being put in the top compartment of the plane and there the explosive blonde was.

I stared for a bit until he looked down and gave me a glare with his crimson eyes. I turned my head back around and looked out the window, boy was this ride going to be long.

Luckily I had downloaded a bunch of songs on Spotify beforehand so I could listen to music while dreading my current situation. I grabbed my earbuds out from my pocket and started to untangle the mess of wires.

I could clearly feel his eyes staring at my hands, it gave me some slight chills but I tried my best to ignore it. I plugged my earbuds into my phone and started playing my playlist.

[A/N y'all should check out my Spotify , not like you have to but still it'd be pretty cool @ xanloid]

The music acted more as white noise to keep me from being anxious rather than actually being played as music. A flight attendant came onto the speakers and announced that we were soon about to head off.

I was pretty petrified not gonna lie, I was a nervous wreck. Again I was being a pessimist and thinking about all the worst things that could happen.

Of course Kacchan soon caught onto my squirming and fidgeting,"Jeez Deku will you chill the fuck out? We haven't even gone up and you're already shitting bricks." "S-sorry Kacchan" was all I could manage to squeak out from my anxious state.

I soon felt my body rise as the plane soon went up. I looked out the window and everything became small, it looked like a tiny ant civilization. I realized it wasn't that bad and smiled in awe at all the sights that I could see through the clouds.

A small giggle left my mouth as I watched the city fade into little specs, I turned my head only to see Kacchan looking at me with disgust. "God, you're such a little kid." My face went from a cheerful grin to a disappointing frown.

The flight attendant soon made her round asking the passengers if they would like any drinks or snacks, Kacchan asked for a Coke , while I asked for a bag of chips.

About 2 hours have passed and nothing had really happened, yeah there was a little bit of turbulence but I've gotten used to it. I was currently playing some random games on my phone and Kacchan was watching a movie on his.

I felt something start to spark in my chest, it happened every now in the when I thought of Kacchan. He was someone I looked up to, always high and mighty, his quirk was amazing and he was just a fantastic person in general.

Some people look down at Kacchan for his over confidence but I find it as another reason to adore him.

///time skip bc I'm lazy :)///

The plane soon started to dip down and through the window I could see that we were landing on the runway. As we neared it we got slower and slower until we finally stopped.

We grabbed all our baggage from the compartments and made our way out the plane. Aizawa told us there should be a bus waiting outside the airport and to go wait outside of it.

We all made a small group and made our way out , Iida was making sure everyone was here and checking role. Aizawa told us to get on and we followed

After about 20 minuets of driving we had made it to our hotel. It was nice, it looked into the ocean and had a big pool. The rooms were also nice.

Everything was going great , but Aizawa pulled me and Kacchan aside. "So due to having to cut some money to do other activities, your bedroom will only have one bed, it's a king so you wouldn't have to worry too much."

Sharing a bed with Kacchan. Am I dreaming?

Kacchan was clearly not happy about the decision, but he couldn't do anything to change our situation so he cooled down and didn't say anything.

When we walked into our room I noticed the moon had already set ,some droplets of rain were also hitting the window.

Let's just hope it doesn't storm overnight.


another one done (●'ω`●)
I have nothing to say, other than I've
Been busy with color guard , sorry!! (ㆀ˘・з・˘)
I'll try updating more frequently!!
See ya in the next one

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