Ch 1 Welcome to Wellston Private High

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Johns POV

I get off my flight, my back and neck are sore so I do some light stretching on my way to the baggage claim. I eventually manage to gather all my belongings and pull out a small slip of paper from my back pocket.

I had bought a house prior to coming to Wellston, I figured it would be better than living in the dorms. On the slip of paper I see my new address just looking at it gave me a sense of pride, I had a house, my own house, it was an incredible feeling.

I just barely mange to catch a bus leaving from the air port and take it all the way to my new home. As I step up to the front door I had the crashing realization that I didn't have any keys.

"Crap," I said to myself "where are my keys" I was never mailed the keys to my house so I was kind of lost, the realtor never told me where the keys where at I fumble with the door knob on the slight hope the door might be unlocked, no luck there. I check under the door mat just to see if the keys clould have possibly been put there, I sighed in relief the keys where sitting just under the door mat waiting to be picked up.

I unlock the door and walk inside luckily I had already sent all the furniture I needed to be set up in the house so it was ready to move in. I walk to the back of the house to drop off my things in my new room before realizing I promised to call my dad the moment I got to Wellston. I face palmed. "Oops, well better late than never"


John's POV

It had been two days since I got to Wellston today was the big day, I was starting school today.


I groan and roll over hitting the snooze button on the alarm as I did so. I sat up in bed and surveyed my surroundings, I still wasn't used to the new house. I got up and slowly stagger out of my room to the kitchen, I look in the fridge and grab a couple of eggs to fry. After all my dad always said a good breakfast can change the course of your day and seeing as I wanted today to be a good day it's best to start off with a good breakfast.

After a fantastic breakfast I finished getting ready as I left I noted how strange it felt to wear a uniform to school. I also wondered how on earth my dad always had time to gel his hair in the mornings it had taken me at least 45 minutes to get it right. I would probably get faster with time though.

After about half an hours silent walking I finally reached the school students were milling about talking and walking around. No one seemed to take a second glance at me as I walked towards the school entrance. Class didn't start for another 10 minutes so I thought it was best to check in with the headmaster and get everything sorted out.


"Come in" I heard a voice inside respond as I entered I saw a man with green hair and rectangle glasses. This must be headmaster Vaughn. After about a minute in which the headmaster tried to identify me I finally just said:

"My name is John I'm the new transfer from New Boston"

"Ah John of course, I didn't recognize you, welcome what brings you by here today"

"I was just wondering if there was anything left to clear up or do"

"Nothing in particular," the headmaster paused "actually you know what, there is one more thing. I just wanted to hear it in person, can you promise me that what happened at your old school will not repeat itself?"

" I can't make any promises for the future is not set in stone but I will try to the best of my ability to prevent that from happening"

"Well that's all I wanted to hear, have a good day John!"

"You too headmaster!" And with that I exited the headmasters office. I looked at my watch I had about two minutes to get to my class, I look at my schedule my first class is in room 3B I walk quickly and just manage to get to the class on time.

I stand awkwardly by the doorway not knowing where to sit, all eyes were on me, I felt rather uncomfortable but I was saved from this awkward predicament almost immediately because just then the teacher said:

"Everyone I know it's a bit late in the year, but we have a new student joining us today! Please introduce yourself." She looked expectantly at me. I moved to the front of the class before saying:

"Hello! My name is John. I'm looking forward to meeting you all! And I hope we can get along!" Some of my class mates smiled warmly at me while others looked bored I looked over at the teacher.

"John you can take the seat I second row if you'd like"

"Okay" and so I sat down and the lesson started. After about an hour it was time to go to math class. As I was packing up a super cute girl with green eyes and blue hair approached me.

"Hi, John!" She said to me waving " I'm Elaine. Welcome to Wellston! How's your first day so far?"

"Not bad, I guess..." I answered truthfully, after all we had only had one class.

"Wonderful!" She said clapping her hands together "so which school did you transfer from?" She asked me.

"Erm," I didn't want to say New Boston incase they decided to do some reaserch, I didn't want the incident to become public knowledge "actually I was home schooled before this!" I said sweat trickling down my face, she didn't seem to notice though because she continued.

"Woah really?" She asked, her eyes wide. I couldn't help but thinking 'no not really but I'm gonna say yes' "We've never had one of those before..." she said

"Hah... I was just feeling a bit lonely, so I decided to try something new!" 'Lies' I thought

"Well, you've come to the right place!"

"Ah, that's great to know!" I was feeling really happy, I had already made a friend!

"So John," she started "What kind of ability do you have?"

A/N Whoo long episode, sorry it's a bit slow moving I just like to put in a lot of details. A lot of the dialog is taken directly from the UnIrdinary WEBTOON which once again is not mine. All credit goes to uru-chan I would recommend you you check her out! Once again leave all suggestions and criticisms below!

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