Ch 4 A Partnership

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John and Seraphina sat for probably twenty minutes on the roof together. Even though Seraphina stopped crying after about ten minutes she still couldn't bring herself to go to class, she just sat with John in silence. John was quite relieved when she said she was ready to go to class. Even though he was emensely powerful holding an ability that wasn't his own for twenty minutes isn't the easiest of tasks. As they stood up to leave Serafina turned to John.

"This doesn't mean we're friends," 

"I figured, not after I beat your ass" 

"Thanks for reminding me, now if you tell anyone about this you're dead, you got that?"

"Yes my Queen," said John with a mock dignified bow. They both laughed good naturey and left to class. When they were outside the door Seraphina turned to John.

"They can't see us go in together, I'll go in first, wait ateast one minute before entering"

"Whatever you say." John followed through and entered exactly one minute and thirty seconds after Seraphina. The class started almost immediately, the teacher was talking about a new project we were going to do.

"Three part project.......... assigning partners.......... specific books.... presentation"

The entire class seemed a bit out of it, all eyes were either on Seraphina or John and they themselves were occupied with their own thoughts. That was at least until the teacher started naming the pairs.

"....... Hower and Mardin, John and Seraphina" at the sound of their name both students whipped their heads up and looked at each other both with the same thought in mind 'you've gotta be kidding me' the rest of the clas was devoted to discussing the project.

Johns POV

Well this is a interesting turn of events. First I have to kick her ass, then listen to her cry, and now I have to work with her on a project?! I'm going to go mad! Finally I look at her and say; 

"So what's the plan?" 

"Excuse me?"

"You know, the plan? For the project? What are we doing"

"Oh no, no, no, no, you aren't  going anywhere near this project"

"But we're partners. We need to work together."

"To much of what Ive worked for has been lost because of you. I'm not loosing any more." Was this girl insane? She couldn't just do the project on her own like this!

"Excuse me?"

"I'm doing the whole thing, I'll provide you with notecards for the presentation, so you'll read of those. We both get an A, easy peasy. Think you can handle that?"

"Please, If I can kick your ass I can read some notecards," 

"Great that's what we're doing then!"

"No it's not, I came here to learn not to free load off others!" She looked at me with a face of mingled fury, annoyance, and fear.

"Fine you can help, but that's all! Got it?"

"Sure whatever, are we working here or at my place?"

"Here if you don't mind,I don't trust you enough to follow you to your houses just yet."

"You'll ball your eyes out in front of me but you won't go to my house?" She glared at me something that would make anyone of a lower status shrink in fear at, but not me.

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