Ch 3 A Budding Friendship

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Sera's POV

It's just been an ordinary year, the royals haven't changed too much, we're still number one in turf wars, everyone talks about me, I'm still perfect; but now, suddenly so much has changed. In just one day the school is no longer talking about me, and the royals are under threat all because of the new kid. John. He's powerful I'll give him that, I saw him in action fighting Ventus and Meili although you could hardly call it that. He just blocked, distracted, and ran away. It's strange, he has this  immense power and yet he doesn't use it and asks to be treated like everyone else. What's even stranger is that he doesn't bother hiding his power, he just doesn't use it to its full potential...


Seraphina, Queen of Wellston was deep in thought about the new student in her school.

Sera POV

Maybe he's just being modest to make a good impression on his first day. Yes that's probably it. Oh well maybe it will be different tomorrow, I wonder how Ass-lo will take it when he's demoted down to Jack. That'll be a sight, I can see the news heading now 'Defence king Arlo beaten!' Isen would have a feild day. He's all about the drama. 

I approach my dorm on the edge of campus, as I enter I see Elaine already sitting on the couch in comfy clothes reading a book. She looks up as I enter.

 "Serafina! You're back!"  I can't help but smile at her.

"School only ended , what fifteen minutes ago?" I could she her turn a slight shade of red, "I'm going to go change into something more  comfortable"

"O-Ok" said Elaine. I change into my favorite pink heart sweater and a pair of black leggings my head swarming with thoughts about school. I exit my room and plop down on the couch next to Elaine.

"Wanna watch something?" I ask her

"Sure" she sets down her book and we start looking for a movie on TV. Eventually  we settle on  Garry Plotter and the Chamber of Serpants. After about fifteen minutes a commercial came on Elaine turned to me "What do you think about that new kid? Do you think he's really as powerful as he says? If so is he the new king?" 

 I let out a sigh "I don't have any opinions on him, but I know for a fact that he is as powerful as he says, I watched him face Ventus and Meili and copy each of their abilities. I doubt that he will de-throne Arlo though, he didn't seem to keen on fighting, he just distracted them and got away"

"Oh, ok then" John wasn't mentioned for the rest of the evening, nor the next morning. The next time anything remotely involveing John happened was at lunch one week later.  It was chocolate cake day, the amazing once a month event was a huge deal at Wellston and it was close to impossible to ever get a piece unless you were a royal and could kick someone's ass for it. Luckily I happen to be a royal and the strongest one at that. 

I arrived in the cafeteria only to see Remi and Arlo fighting over the last piece I didn't want to join in the scuffle because I felt like all three royals fighting was a bit overkill I look around to see John sneaking back to his seat a piece of cake I hand. I approach him and to get his attention say;

"Hey" He turns to me "I want that cake of yours, give it to me." He glares at me.

"NO WAY!" He says to me "Look I don't care if you're Queen, King, Ace or whatever. This cake belongs to me, so back off! Go get your own!" I was a little taken aback by his answer.

"Excuse me?! I am Seraphina, Queen of this school and you will give me that cake, because incase you haven't noticed the King and Jack are already fighting over the last piece."

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