Ch 8, No longer a Royal

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The week passed is a whirlwind of tests and information. Seraphina was about to head out for yet another turf war. This time against a new school known as Coral Springs, Wellston had never faced them before so Sera had no idea what she was up against. She wasn't worried though, she was a god. Just before she was about to board the train Johns words rang in her mind 'they didn't do anything to hurt us, it's barbaric'  She attempted unsuccessfully to shake it from her head and boarded the train. She was joined by the rest of the royals after about two minutes.

"You ready?" Remi asked her from across the row.

"Heh, of course I am." She smiled at Remi "I don't think they'll be too much of a challenge."

"Don't be so sure, they could be stronger than us, we don't know, we've never fought them before." 

"Remi, let me remind you, you are the weakest person on our team and you are a 5.4. We have nothing to be worried about."

"Thanks for summing that up Ass-lo." Arlo glared at her but didnt say anything. The rest of the ride everyone was silent. When they arrived at the turf wars location the king from the other team came over to greet the new comers I'm a less than polite way.

"So you're the infamous Wellston private high. To be honest I was expecting something more you all look pretty weak, I bet I could take all of you down myself." This guy sure had some nerve. Arlo looked pissed.

"Why don't you prove it then? How are we going to settle this, one on one or three on three?"

"One on One." The other king went back to his team and as was routine Elaine explained the rules to both teams. The fight started with jacks. Remi rekt the jack from the other team, he was burnt to a black crisp. Remi had little more than a cut on her cheek. Coral Stings accepted their defeat and sent out their queen to fight. Seraphina insisted on doing this round in place of Remi, not because she doubted Remi but because the other team seemed pretty weak, just as she suspected, she knew Remi  could take them all down and she wanted to do at least one round. Sera let the other Queen get a few hits in, 

"Ha and here I thought this was going to be a difficult fight! You're hardly a worthy opponent!" The other Queen was getting cocky Seraphina ended the fight quick by freezing time and launching the Queen a good 300 feet across the feild. She landed in a crumpled heap it looked like at least half her bones were broken. Seraphina stepped back.

"Remi you can finish off the king if you want."

"Sure!" Remi stepped out to face the king but was brought back by Arlo.

"I want to do this one."

"You sure?"


"Okay suit yourself." Arlo approaches the other king, there was about a twenty foot gap between  them. The Coral Springs king let out a battle cry and charged a Alro his hand surrounded by an unknown energy. He was a foot away, Arlo smirked and activated his barrier a spit second before the king punched him, his arm shattered and gushed blood. 

"Arg! You play dirty!"

"I play well." Arlo began to shrink the barrier surrounding the king.

"What you think that'll scare me!" The king cried "I'll just bust out of here!" He punched the barrier with his  uninjured arm. It shattered just like the other one . Arlo continued to shrink the barrier until the king was in a ball at his feet.

"Do you surrender?"

"Hah, never!" Was this guy crazy?! Arlo shrank the barrier more. The kings bones began to break more the golden dome had splatters of blood. 

"STOP!" Yelled the healer "WEVE LOST THIS ONE! STOP! YOURE GOING TO KILL HIM!" Arlo  obliged and walked back to his team. Seraphina was shocked she gazed upon the burnt and bloodied bodies of the other team. Johns words were ringing in her ears.

"It's terrible," she whispered

"It's how the game works." Said Arlo gazing upon the body's with satisfaction "They deserved it, they challenged and insulted us."

"But they didn't deserve it! They didn't really do anything to hurt us! Why do we have to take it so far!"

"Have you been talking with John lately?"

"That's besides the point! I'm sick of it! I'm done! I'm not doing this anymore!"

"You're delusional."

"No I'm not Arlo! I'm serious I'm done with turf wars!"

"You can't just quit!"

"Watch me!" Seraphina left twords the station.

"If you leave turf wars, you will no longer be a royal!" Arlo yelled at her. She stopped Arlo smirked. "That's it, come to your senses." Seraphina was inraged.

"What do I care. Remi can be Queen now." She kept walking Arlo was shocked, Remi even more so. "Don't worry if something extreme happens I'll help you out but until further notice, I am no longer a Royal."  Seraphina didn't even bother waiting for the others or boarding the train, she just froze time and walked back alone. Seraphina did not return to her school dorm instead she went over to Johns house so she could rant. After all John was the one who  despised turf wars to begin with, he would understand.

Knock knock knock

From within the house she could hear someone yell.

"Coming!" John opened the door to see Seraphina on his doorstep. She hadn't told him she was coming so he was a bit surprised. "Oh, Sera, what's up, why don't you come in?" Seraphina obliged. "I thought you had a turf war going on right now," 

"I do." John looked confused.

"Then why are you here?" Seraphina smiled and looked at her puzzled friend.

"The fight was quick, but the whole time I kept remembering what you said. You're right, I realized that, so I quit."


"Well Arlo tried to talk me out of it but I wasn't having it. He said if I quit turf wars I couldn't be a royal. Well I'm not now... I guess that's that."

"Sera, you shouldn't just quit like that just to make me happy. If you enjoy turf wars I don't want you to stop because of me."

"John, don't you see? I don't enjoy it anymore. I'm not doing this for you it's for me."

"Okay if you say so. Anyway how did you get here? The train is supposed to be leaving right now."

"Oh I walked, I froze tone though."

"Oh, okay.... wanna play some piggy crush?"

Seraphina couldn't help but smile at her friend. "Sure."

A/N okay I hope you enjoyed just so you guys know tomorrow will be my last episode before I go to summer camp, there are no electronics allowed at my camp so I won't be able to upload, but it's just for a week! Anyway as always leave suggestions  and criticisms below and go support uru Chan!

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