Ch 10, Whispers

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Johns POV

I am extremely salty right now. Isen just has to spread rumors about me, then again he's Isen. Still it doesn't make the whispering any more bearable, what wouldn't I give to punch them all hard in the face, but I can't, it'll just make it worse. 

"You alright?" Sera asks me.

"Yeah, just salty."

"Eh, when you're the strongest in the school rumors happen, you get used to it."

"What if I don't want to be the strongest?"

Sera looked at me the expression on her face was puzzled."What do you mean? You can't get weaker, why would you want too? When you're the strongest no one ever bullies you, you can do whatever you want! You're no tied down by rules or others around you. You're just... free."

"I suppose you're right, I still don't like the talking though."  

"No one does."  As much as I felt like I was in New Boston again, I can't help but notice one very large difference. Here the whispers are fearful, yes, but they aren't hateful. Some even have notes of awe in them. Not only that but I have a real friend walking along side me who has been and is dealing with the same thing. I sighed. Maybe the whispers weren't so bad after all.

After the first class ended Seraphina and I managed track down Isen.

"Hey Isen,"


"Why did you paint such an ugly picture of me in the newspaper?"

"What, what do you mean?" Isen started sweating.

"I get in one fight and all of a sudden everyone's  scared of me. Why is that?"

"Ummm, uhh, erm, I have no idea!" Isen shifted his feet "Hey I'd love to talk but I'm late for a club meeting! Bye!" He started running.

"Hey! Get back here you son of a bitch!" And the chase was on.

Arlo's POV

My blue haired friend is talking to me about the most recent test I don't really care. Then Isen comes running down the hall screaming.

"What the fu—" then John came running after him yelling get your ass down back here! I turn to my blue haired friend "what the hell was that?" He just shrugged.

Docs POV

I'm just drinking my morning coffee, listening to Kean talking when I hear a scream from the hall. Kean looks worried we both look out the door to see what the fuss is about only to see Isen running out the front doors with John chasing him yelling. We turn to each other and are silent before we burst out laughing.

Zekes POV 

I don't feel like going to class today. Why would I when I can just stay here within my kingdom, the dorms. I enjoy the quiet and occasional visitor it's great.


"Wtf" John is chasing Isen at full speed! Isen shov s last me John hot on his tail the climb up to the second floor where Isen locks himself in his dorm and John starts pounding on the door.

"Come on out Isen! It's time for your ass whooping!" John continued to try to break down Isens door for another few minutes before giving up and going to class. 'Wtf is even happening?!'

Johns  POV 

'Hopefully I taught that son of a bitch a lesson.' I thought as I strode back into school. Sera was not far away from the door.

"Wow. Did you chase him off campus?"

"Nah just to his dorm. Oh and thanks for helping me by the way."

She smiled "I'm always here to help haha."

I looked down at my watch "Oh shit, I'm totally late."

"Meh I'll help you with homework. I already know all that stuff."

"You don't have to rub it in you know."

"But I like to. It's only trigonometry after all." John faked pouting which made the both laugh and they made their way up to the roof together.


A/N okay sorry for a short episode but I tried. Also I did end up coming up with some other story ideas and I want a vote on which one I should start. Also idk why I'm asking for votes so much. The first story idea is  Claire ends up transferring to Wellston during sera's suspension  and John has to cope with that on top of everything else that happenes during that time.

The second story is basically about Johns dad and how he coped with being a cripple and with John 

The third is where John makes it public that he's defeated Arlo and he has an ability and is king ya know all that Jazz 

Anyway leave a comment on which one u should do and it'll be up in a bit also I promise I'll make the next chapter interesting. I have ideas. Oh yea and as always leave suggestions, criticisms, and in this case votes in the comments below and go Support Uru-Chan!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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