Ch 5 Drinks on me!

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Johns POV

We just finished the last part of our literature project. Seraphina and I had been working relentlessly and it paid off, a perfect A. Seraphina approached me I turn to her very quickly.

"WE DID IT! You gotta to be happy about this! I say we celebrate drinks on me!" But Seraphina being Seraphina was bitter.

"We may have gotten an A this time but the final grade is still an A-." Still determined I reply;

"Aw, come on. You can't deny we both worked really hard on this! That itself deserves a reward!"

"Nah, I'd rather go to the library."

"Nope! Youre coming with me, Seraphina! You need to learn to relax every once in a while! I say we hit up Woaba Boba with Blake and Isen after school."

"Blyke and Isen? Where did they come from?" She looked puzzled.

"They offered to hang out after the project was over. I think all of us getting drinks together would be a good way to become better friends and celebrate!"

"Woah, woah, woah, I do NOT want to be friends with YOU! You're irresponsible, oblivious, and you make me look bad!" I open my mouth to speak "I don't care if your a high tier! So am I! I do not want to be friends with you!"

"Ok but let's at least celebrate. Oh and don't forget I can kick your ass and tell the school about your little break down if you don't come." She looks shocked "Anyway we gotta go, the next class is about to start" and I exit the classroom. That wasn't really true though, the next class didn't start for another 5 minutes, I had time. I start scanning the halls for Blyke and Isen, I find them standing together near the cafeteria. "Hey guys," 

"Hey" says Isen 

"Sup" says Blyke

"Listen, to celebrate the end of that project and getting and A, I'm hitting up Woaba Boba after school with Seraphina. Wanna come?" They both look a bit awkward. 

"Ummm, well we were gonna go to the mall with Remi after school. Don't get us wrong we would love to come it's just we already told her we would."

"No worries, if you want all three of you can come and then go to the mall after." 

"Okay, we'll run that by Remi."

"If she's down, the meet me by the gates when school ends"



After school ended I managed to drag Seraphina along with me to wait at the gates. After about a minute or two I see the familiar orange and red hair of Isen and Blake. They seemed to be heading my way. 'Sweet!' I think to myself as they get closer I see a pink haired girl following them. That must be Remi.

"Hey John what's up!" Said Blake as they approached. "I don't think you've met Remi before, have you?

"I've seen her around but I don't know her personally, no." I direct my attention to Remi "You're the jack around here right?" She smiles. 

"Sure am! As you may know my ability is lightning."

"Yeah I did know that, I've used it before. Judging from your aura and the fact that this is Wellston you seem to be about a 5.5."

"Close! I'm actually a 5.4. Anyway enough of this, let's get going!" So we all set out for Woaba Boba. When we arrived I learned none of the others had ever had boba tea! So I ordered for them.

"Do you guys like mango?"

"I don't have anything against it? What about you guys?" One one said anything. 

"Ok that's great, the mango one is my personal favorite!" I walk up to the cashier? "Five mango bobas please." 

"That'll be $12. 67, your drinks will be out in a bit." I slap down a twenty.

"Keep the change." Soon a waiter arrived with our drinks. "Thank you very much sir!"

"No problem! Enjoy!" We all sat sipping our boba for a bit going into small talk here and there before Remi looked at her watch.

"We better get going, if we want to have time to shop and get back before curfew. See you later!" She then left the café, Blake and Isen following behind her. I turn to Seraphina.

"So, what do you think?"

"It's not bad."

"I'm glad you like it."

"I didn't say that, I just said it wasn't bad." 

"Oh, well do you like it?"

"As a matter of fact I do."

"Good, anyway tell me a bit about yourself."

"Is perfer not to." 

"Aw come on! At least tell me about your family or something!" Her face suddenly went cold.

"We don't have the best relationship."

"How so?" She looked at me seemingly trying to deem if I was trustworthy. Deciding I was, she said;

"They're always pressureing me to go above and beyond, be more than perfect. All because I was born powerful. It's really stressful. I have one sister, her name in Leilah, she was the only one I could ever talk too. She ran away not too long ago. I can understand why, but it's been harder without her." We both were quiet. "Since I told you about my family, why don't you tell me about yours?"

"Uhh well" I'm always a bit  cautious  When talking about my family, mainly because my dad is a cripple and I'm worried that someone will attack him. But Seraphina told me about her family, so it would be common courtesy to do the same. "I used to live alone with my dad in New Boston. My mom died when I was little, and I don't have any siblings. My dad is a writer, his writers name is W. H. Doe. He's always been super supportive, and I've never seen him get angry or hold a grudge against anyone. Which I really admire, dispite his condition." Seraphina seemed almost jealous when I finished.

"Your family sounds great. I wish mine was like that. By the way out of curiosity what is your dads condition?" This was a question I was hoping wouldn't come up, I could feel sweat starting to fall down my face. 

I take a deep breath and say, "My father was born without an ability." 

"So he's a cripple?"

"Well I don't like to put it that way but yes."

"Interesting, was your mother a high tier then?"

"I don't know dad doesn't talk about her much. I think it's just too painful for him." I really didn't want to talk about this anymore. Seraphina seemed to understand because she didn't say anything after that. 

Seraphina's POV

John had just finished talking. I had no idea he had such a interesting background. He has a cripple father and yet he's a 7.8, his mother must have been unbelievably powerful, yet she married a cripple. Strange, very strange. Oh well I won't look too far as into it, it's not my life after all. I finished my boba tea and looked up at John.

"Thanks for the drink."

"No problem." 

"I better get going, Elaine will be worried sick."

"Haha, ok then see you later." I  start to stand up and walk out. "Oh hey before you go," he gets up and approaches me with a paper napkin "let's keep in touch. Dispite what you may think I enjoyed working with you." He handed me the napkin, upon it was written in blue pen a phone number.

"Thanks I guess." He smiled, and I walked out the door.

A/N ok hope you enjoyed! I'm probably not going to be able to write too much during this next week because we have like two  million assignments due by Monday but I'll still try and upload whenever I can! As always leave suggestions and criticisms below and check out Uru-Chan's amazing work! 

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