12. Wedding Ceremony

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Outdoors, in nature, the soon to be couple was having their wedding. There were many flowers, mostly in the colors white and coral. The white chairs were placed to create an aisle (As seen in the posted picture). The live band starts to play the music.

The ceremony was about to start. Logan waits on the front by the minister, for his soon to be wife to walk through the aisle.

First up, comes Presley with the flower basket, dropping the white flower petals. Behind her comes Sophie with her new boyfriend, Tom. Following them was Kendall, with his girl Ariel. Next was Carlos and Alexa, the other engaged couple. Then comes James with his date Peta. Afterwards, Dustin and Britney head towards the front.

Each of the girls was wearing a coral colored dress to match the flowers, and each of the guys wore a tuxedo with a matching coral colored flower.

Then came Darlyn, arm in arm with her father. She smiles really big, as her father whispers to her, "I love you dear. And I'm glad to know that you are happy."

"Thanks dad, love you too," she whispers back. Darlyn looks straight ahead to see Logan, waiting patiently for her, holding his hands in front of him, with his huge smile that captured Darlyn's attention.

As they arrive, Darlyn's father gets her hand, kisses it, and hands it over to Logan, "Take care of her."

"I will Mr. Garcia." Her father nods and then sits in the front row with his wife, Darlyn's mother.

Minister: "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Logan Henderson and Darlyn Garcia in holy matrimony, which is an honorable estate, that is not to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently and soberly.

Into this estate these two people present come now to be joined. If anyone is against this marriage, let them speak now or forever hold their peace. [There was silence]

Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

Father: "My wife and I do."  [They raise their hands]

[Kendall gets the wedding vows that they wrote and hands them to each one. The band then starts to play an instrumental version of the song " Endless Love"]

Logan: "Darlyn, I take you to be my lawfully wedded wife. Ever since I met you, I knew you were the one. Your passion and dedication that you have for your goals really captured my attention. Even though we have had our ups and down, I know that God has more good times left for us. That's why I promise to take care of you, be there for you in sickness, health, your successful times, your not so successful times, and whenever you need me, just know that I will be there. I love you Darlyn and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and see what the future holds for us."

[Darlyn felt like crying at that moment, but she then decided to hold it in. You know, since they were bound to take pictures afterwards. She then gets her paper and reads it to him, Occasionally smiling at him.]

Darlyn: "I, Darlyn, take Logan, to be my wedded husband, Before our witnesses, I vow to love you and care for you as long as we both shall live. I take you with all your faults and your strengths, as I offer myself to you with my faults and my strengths. I will help you when you need help, and will turn to you when I need help. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend my life, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor, and cherish, 'til death do us part. I love you Logan and I just know that God has good stored in our future together, as friends, lovers, husband and wife, and, someday, as parents."

[Sophie takes the wedding rings and hands them over. Meanwhile the minister speaks to the audience.]

Minister: "The marriage ring seals the vows of marriage and represents a promise for eternal and everlasting love. It is a physical manifestation of the promises joining both the bride and groom together. The wedding ring is placed on the fourth finger of the left hand because it was traditionally believed that this finger was a direct connection to the heart - the perfect place for a symbol representing eternal love and commitment.

Repeat after me, as you place your rings."

Logan: [Logan places Darlyn's ring on her finger] " I promise to you, Darlyn, before our family and friends, to commit my love to you; to respect your individuality; to be with you through life's changes; and to nurture and strengthen the love between us, as long as we both shall live."

Darlyn: [Darlyn places Logan's ring on his finger] " I promise to you, Logan, before our family and friends, to commit my love to you; to respect your individuality; to be with you through life's changes; and to nurture and strengthen the love between us, as long as we both shall live."

Minister: We who have come together today have heard the willingness of Logan and Darlyn to be joined in marriage. They have come of their free will and in our presence, have declared their love and commitment to each other. They have given and received a ring as a symbol of their promises. Therefore, by the power vested in me by the laws of the state of New York, I take great pride and pleasure as I declare them husband and wife.

You may now kiss your bride.[Logan embraces Darlyn by her waist, as she grabs his cheeks to a beautiful kiss] Ladies and Gentlemen, I now present to you Mr. And Mrs. Henderson."

Everyone claps and stands up, as Logan and Darlyn kiss, with the happiest smiles that either one has ever shown. The stereo then starts to play Shut Up and Dance with Me, by WALK THE MOON, as they walk down the aisle:

She took my arm / I don't know how it happened. / We took the floor and she said, // "Oh, don't you dare look back. / Just keep your eyes on me." / I said, "You're holding back," / She said, "Shut up and dance with me!" / This woman is my destiny / She said, "Oh, oh, oh, / Shut up and dance with me."

Better yet, they started to dance as they continued down the aisle, and their bridesmaids and groomsmen followed, along with the family and the rest of the guests.

They led the way towards the party set up...


A/N: Yay! There's part 2 of the wedding. I am currently trying to finish my second year of college, so that's why I'm not updating that often. I will also try to update "Are You An Illusion" soon, but I kind of have writer's block on it. Enjoy this chapter and I'll update for you guys soon. Thanks again guys, you're the best :D

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