10. Beautiful Night

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The next day, Darlyn wakes up and sees Logan next to her. 'Huh, he must've come in last night. Hope he had fun,' she thinks to herself.

She gives him a quick peck in the cheek and then is about to get up, when she feels a hand grabbing her arm. "Got ya," Logan whisper yells to her.

"Logan, I can explain!" She playfully surrenders to him.

"How are you baby?" He turns on his side to face her.

"Great, a little excited but nervous for this weekend..."

"Really? I'm mostly excited. Cuz I'll finally get to call you mine," he kisses her on her lips.

She kisses him back and then breaks it up, "Me too. How about let's go downstairs and I'll make us some breakfast?"

"That would be lovely, but are you sure you can do that?" She rolls her eyes and gets up to put on her pajama sweats. "What I meant is, are you sure you're not going to simply pour cereal in a bowl or make coffee and get a sweet bread, what do you call those?"

"They're called conchas, thank you very much," she laughs at her previous comment and walks downstairs. "No, I have something else in mind to prepare."

"I hope it's edible."

Darlyn turns around, looking a little pissed off. "Logan, quit insulting my cooking. If this is how it's going to be, them I don't want to..."

"No, no, okay I'll stop." He comes behind her to hug her on her waist and kiss her on her neck. "Sorry darling."

"You're lucky I love you," She breaks free from his embrace and heads to get the stuff ready.

"Hey, while I'm here preparing the table, let's talk about our special parties, " he says as he gets the plates and forks.

"Why? It's just like Vegas, what happens there stays there," she giggles and continues to crack the eggs.

He gets the napkins and then the two mugs for their tea, since Darlyn does not like the smell of coffee. "Why won't you tell me?"

She smirks, "Because, I don't want to make you jealous."

He gets up, standing next to her as she continues to cook, "Now, don't bring any Nick Jonas references into the conversation..."

She exclaims, "You see? I haven't said anything and you're already showing that kind of emotion..."

"Ok, I'll try to not be jealous." She gives him a silent treatment, but the kind that she doesn't want to tell him just yet. She finishes up the food and with Logan's help, they get it served in a minute.

"Just let me make our teas and then we'll sit down and talk about it."

"Thanks." He cleans up the counter while she makes the teas and in 3 minutes tops, they are sitting down across from each other.

She takes a drink from her tea, to make sure her throat is hydrated before the long explanation.


"So you got your Magic Mike experience?" He asks, with an upset tone.

"Yup, it was extremely sexy." Darlyn winks at her guy, emphasizing how happy she was about her experience. She only left out the fact that she was caught in the moment and kissed Mr. Tatum.

"So, what is your story?" Darlyn asks. Since she got her dream experience she was sure that she would not be the least bit jealous.

"Oh, well the guys and I went to breakfast, we went skydiving, and then they took me to a club for a private session."

"Wow, was it scary?" Darlyn asks as she wraps her arms around her waist, shivering.

"Mmm, a little, bit I wanted to go since forever, so I'm glad I was able to do that." She shivers again.

"Ok, continue."

"Then I got blindfolded and led to a club. They literally hired one stripper for each of us, leaving me with the one with the best dance moves."

"Well, I'll let that one slide, since I'm not the best dancer," she slides her index finger from side to side.

"What are you talking about Darlyn? You're a great dancer." He reaches her hand, holding it with tenderness.

"Only with slow dancing, that's about it," she laughs, leaning back onto the chair.

"I can't wait to do that with you," he smiles.

"Oh, I bet there's a lot of stuff you can't wait to do with me."

He gets red, "Ha, and you accuse me of being the dirty minded one."

"You still are, I meant stuff like dancing, calling me your wife, or going on vacations prepared for couples. What dirty stuff were you thinking of?"

They continue to speak for a couple of hours. They both seemed to be okay with each other's stories, even though they both left out the kisses that they had.


They both lie in their back yard, on a blanket. "You know, this brings back memories."

Her head is on his strong arm and she turns to him, "Such as?"

"Remember our picnic at the beach?"

She smiles at the memory, "Can I be honest, something about that day?"

"Sure, what's up?"

"When you brought up the Tapatio packet and said you like to spice things up, the way you said it, you seemed really... s...e...x...y... to me." She whispered the last phrase.

"Excuse me? What did you say? I couldn't hear over the crickets," he playfully tells her.

"You appeared really sexy to me," She says in a normal tone.

"Yeah, I was going for that." He laughs a little, "I'm just kidding. Let me tell you that I thought the same thing about you when you said it back," he turns his head to look at her natural beauty.

"Good, cuz I was planning to trap you since then," she laughs at her comment.

"You didn't have to do that, because you trapped me since I first laid eyes on you." He kisses her forehead. They continue to lay, looking at the stars.

"Thanks for everything Logan."

"No, thank you for making me believe in love again."

"Anytime." She plays with his hair for a bit.

"Be patient, you'll get to mess this hair up, all that you want, during the honeymoon..."

"Ok, thanks for giving me permission."

They continued to make each other laugh for a while. Darlyn then hugs her future husband, embracing him and enjoying his company.

They both felt lucky and blessed to have found each other. The countdown for their wedding was getting smaller. Soon enough, Ms. Garcia would be known as Mrs. Henderson.


A/N: Sorry for the late post. I'm on spring break but have a lot going on with work, assignments, and family. Next up comes the wedding. And just to let you guys know, the wedding will be split up into several chapters, so you'll get to enjoy their wedding with as many details as I can come up with. As always, hope you enjoy this chapter. Till next time, keep on reading, keep on voting, keep on commenting, and most of all, keep on rushering lol ;)

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