3. "Little" Fight

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"Do you feel better now?" Logan asks. He lifts her chin up, softly, looking into her wet eyes.

She wipes her eyes and replies, "A little." Leaning on his shoulder, while staring at the black screen of the TV, she adds, "It's cuz I really need your help to make this happen," she motions with her palms facing up.

"Don't worry. It will all come together, I promise." She smirks lightly and puts her hand on his lap. "Here, I'll take care of the music, the guest list and anything else that you want me to."

"Ok. And to help me out better, I could invite my friends over tomorrow to give me opinions on some minor details, like the invitations, the center pieces, the souvenirs, the decorations..."

"Darlyn, take a deep breath in," she follows the instructions. While still holding her breath, he quickly says, "And breathe out." She quickly lets the breath out and her face was red from doing that.

Smiling at him, she says, "Thanks Logan."

"That's what I'm here for. To make your life better and to make you happy." She feels blessed to have him with her.

"Logan... I."

"Wait, before you say something, I want to know... Why did you pick the date without my opinion?" Looking a bit concerned, he crosses his arms, waiting for a response.

"Oh, well I told you one day... The day that I want to get married is the day that we officially became boyfriend and girlfriend." Logan thought ahead and quickly realized that that was the same day they were official.

"Oh, well now I feel like a doofus." He lightly slaps his forehead and laughs.

"It's ok, we all feel that way sometimes," she laughs a bit and then lays back comfortably on the couch.

Logan didn't want to ruin the moment, but he felt the need to let Darlyn know how he felt earlier. "Sweetie, can I be honest with you?"  

"Of course, what's up?"

"Your little surprises are getting on my nerves..." Her face made a concerned look and she also seemed confused. "What I mean is... one day you invite your parents and the next day you bring a gay Asian wedding planner who couldn't keep his eyes off me!" Logan was raising his voice each moment.

"Well..." She leans back, away from him, "Excuse me for trying to be a bit thoughtful and generous."

"You made me feel super uncomfortable on both occasions, all because you couldn't tell me ahead of time!"

"I thought it would be fine with you! "

"Well you could've simply been honest told me and then I'd be fine with it!"

Darlyn didn't feel like arguing, so she got up and went to grab a yogurt from the fridge.

"Oh, so I'm getting the silent treatment now! Huh?" She stayed quiet the whole time. After getting the spoon from the dishwasher, she headed towards their room and locked it up.

"Great, just great!" He sits on the couch, while still being upset.

After a while, he decides to text Carlos.

Text Messages:

Logan: Carlos, I need your help.

Carlos: Hey Logan, what's wrong?

L: Just had a fight with Darlyn.

C: Was it that bad?

L: I was being honest & told her that her surprise visits from parents and wedding planners were getting on my nerves.

Make Me Believe (Sequel to Make U Believe)Where stories live. Discover now