Family Meeting

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Arnie and I sat next to each other in a long chaise. the rest of my family piled in and sat wherever. all we had in here were just couches, chaises, recliners, and seats. oh, and the floor. no windows, no TV's, nothing else. soon, daddy and mama came in and stood in front of us quietly until we all stopped talking. daddy cleared his throat and said," kate?" she nodded. daddy nodded back and continued. "kids, your aunt just called. " "which one?" Michael asked. daddy sighed and said," your Aunt Lisa. your mother's older sister. " EVERYONE groaned. Aunt Lisa is a complete jerk. she has six kids;

Jenni is 16,

Robbie is 13,

Tyler is 11,

Suzi is 9,

Sicily is 6,

Terri is 3.

and they are SPOILED BRATS!! Jenni thinks that the world literally runs around her. every time we all see her, she thinks that we have to listen to her and bow at her feet. BULLSHARK! but daddy and mama wants us to "at least try to get along. we try. we really do. but she is a $#!@%&#!!!!

daddy continued. " and yes, they are coming over." we all REALLY started to yell and scream. "when?!?!" I yelled over the noise. "tomorrow at six in the morning. Lisa wants us all to come!" I started yelling as well.

what's wring with Kate's sister's kids? what do you think?




Dangerous 0X0X0X

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