Chapter 1

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I took a deep breath before stepping forward and knocking on the door. I heard shuffling on the other side, which was most likely Mrs. Hudson, before she answered it.

"Oh, hello! Please come in Amelia." I stepped in and watched her as she closed the door behind me. "Would you like some tea?" I nodded and watched her run off towards the kitchen.

"Who are you?" I looked up slowly. Above me, at the top of the stairs, was a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes. He seems about 35 and his hair is slightly messy. Probably hasn't gotten much sleep recently. By the look on his face, he's clearly aggravated for who knows what reason, but he can tell what I'm doing. His shoes are extremely worn, so he probably does a lot of running.

"I'm Amelia," I said, smiling up at him. After a few more moments of deducing him, I knew who he was, and several things about him. "Sherlock Holmes, I presume?" He stared down at me with a straight face.

"Yes," he answered without breaking his stare. "What are you doing here?" I rolled my eyes. Isn't it obvious? I had a suitcase, was sloppily dressed, showing I was in a rush, and my hair was a mess.

"I'm moving in to the extra room in 221B. What else would I be doing?" I raised my eyebrows, staring him in the eyes. Thankfully his blond-haired friend, John Watson, came out of his flat to see what was the matter.

"Oh, am I interrupting anything?" John looked down at me before looking at Sherlock and back again.

"No, nothing important, John," I answered quickly, thanking Mrs. Hudson as she handed me a cup of tea. John and Sherlock stood, watching me while I sipped my drink. "What are still doing here, John? Don't you have a lunch date to be at? You don't want to leave Mary waiting." I smirked at John's shocked expression, watching him look at Sherlock, who shrugged his shoulders.

"John?" He jumped slightly before running down the stairs and out the door. I grinned at Sherlock, who smirked in return, before heading into the flat, dragging my suitcase behind me. Mrs. Hudson had shown me around the day before while the boys were gone. I left my suitcase in the middle of my bedroom floor before flopping on the bed and groaning.

"What are you complaining about?" I opened eyes and saw an amused Sherlock standing in the doorway.

"I'm bored!" I shouted. I stood up and went into the living room, taking out my gun. I aimed at the face on the wall from the back of the room. "Bored!" I said, shooting the face before putting my gun back in my belt. I plopped down on the couch and closed my eyes.

"Is everything okay up there?" Mrs. Hudson called from downstairs. I put a finger up to Sherlock's lips so he'd be quiet before answering her.

"Yes, everything's fine. Sorry if I disturbed you."

"It's alright dear, just be a little quieter in the future," Mrs. Hudson replied. I sat up, remembering that I had a case I was working on for Mycroft, Sherlock's older brother. I sat down in what many call my, "disturb me and you will regret it pose", or how I look when I visit my mind palace. I closed my eyes, noticing that Sherlock was staring at me in an expressionless manner.

I opened my eyes in my mind palace. It was pretty much a actual palace, with different hallways, leading to different rooms. For each subject or person, there was a room. I headed up the spiraling staircase that was in the middle of the room. At the top was a hallway, which I followed, until I reached the room marked, "Mycroft Holmes". I opened the door before closing it behind me. Dragging my hand through the drawer of a file cabinet, I selected a file which contained information about the case I was on. After scanning through the file, I returned it to its place, closed the cabinet, and exited the room, as well as my mind palace.

I opened my eyes and jumped to my feet, racing out into my bedroom. I grabbed my cell phone from the dresser and started to text Mycroft. I hadn't realized that Sherlock was leaning over me until he spoke to me.

"You know Mycroft?" He frowned before leaning back up and sitting in an armchair by my bed.

"Yeah, so?" I didn't look up, as solving my case was the priority. "I'm pretty much his personal detective, or whatever you want to call it. I met him a while back. I was fifteen, so that would be about fourteen years ago." I frowned, looking up from my phone. "Why'd you ask?"

He ignored me. He was already in his own mind palace,probably making a room for information on me. He paused for a moment, and I realized that he probably would ask about my last name. I froze and bit my bottom lip. He opened his eyes, noticing my behavior and silently asking himself questions. I sat down, remaining silent while he observed me, mentally taking notes.

"I'm going to unpack if you don't mind," I said, breaking the silence. He ignored me for a few moments before standing and walking towards the door.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Miss Amelia. If I might ask one more question?" He turned, observing me to see how I would respond.

"Fine with me," I agreed, pulling my suitcase up onto the bed.

"What's your last name?"

"I'd prefer not to answer that, if you don't mind. It's a very... delicate subject," I answered, turning around and beginning to unpack. My mind went back to thoughts of my past, and I flinched. I closed my eyes, and after taking a deep breath, I relaxed and came back to the present. Calm down, Amelia, calm down. He's not going to hurt you. I brushed my hands through my long red hair, which reminded most people I knew of fire. My eyes were a bright green apple green, although they were probably a little red from exhaustion. I curled up under the covers of my bed, and I was asleep within minutes.

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