Chapter 7

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*Six Months Later*


"Bored! Bored! Bored!" Sherlock shouted, shooting the yellow smile on the wall. I was doing the same, except I was on the couch instead of Sherlock's armchair.

"Sherlock! Amelia! Are you shooting the wall again?" Mrs. Hudson called from downstairs. "I just got that wall fixed!"

"Sorry, Mrs. Hudson! We'll try to refrain from shooting the wall!" I shouted back. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I put my gun in my belt and took out my phone.

Hello again, Amelia. ~JM

I looked over at Sherlock, who looked confused.

"Moriarty," I mouthed, turning back to look at my cell. Sherlock got out of his chair and sat next to me, watching over my shoulder.

What do you want, James? ~AM

For you to play the game. ~JM

What game? ~AM

This one. Meet me in half an hour if you want to play. ~JM

Where do I meet you? ~AM

You know where. ~JM

"You know where?" Sherlock asked me. I thought about it for a moment before I understood. He wants me to meet him where I told him goodbye. I was so focused on that one thought that I didn't realize that Sherlock had been talking to me. "Amy?"

"Oh, sorry. He want us to meet him at the park," I explained, grabbing my jacket and putting it on. "Well, come on then!"

"Why the park?" Sherlock asked, grabbing his own coat and putting it on before grabbing his scarf.

"Because that's where I last saw him," I said, walking downstairs and out the door, Sherlock following close behind. Once we were in a cab, Sherlock went to his mind palace, while I stared out the window.

"Why would people think you're like Moriarty?" Sherlock asked without opening his eyes.

"I'm his sister. It's common to compare people with their relatives. How come you understand me so well?" I asked, turning slightly to look at him. Sherlock shrugged.

"I guess it's because I feel the same way."

"How so?" I frown. Sherlock is as unique as you can get.

"Being more intelligent than the average person also has its cons." Sherlock smirked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"They're just jealous. I'm sure most people wish they were as smart as you," I explained, leaning back in the seat.

"And you don't?" Sherlock seemed puzzled.

"No. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool and all, but I'm happy enough as myself." I stared off into space, aware of Sherlock pondering beside me. "I know I'm not normal, and that's completely fine with me. I want to be..."

"Fascinating," Sherlock finished, smiling at me before hopping out of the cab and walking towards the park. I quickly payed the driver before following him. We walked to the center of the park. No one seemed to be around, so while Sherlock was walking in circles while waiting, I took a seat on a park bench.

"Did you miss me?" Moriarty whispered, holding a gun up to my head. "I haven't seen you since before Mycroft helped you fake your death. I have to say, you did a fine job." I closed my eyes, trying not to make eye contact.

"James, what do you want? Leave Sherlock and John out of this. This between you and me." Moriarty laughed.

"You don't understand. This involves them, too," he said, sitting down next to me on the park bench. He put his other arm around me, pulling me slightly towards him. "This is our little game. You, little sister, just happen to be involved." He smiled that horrible smile that reminded me of so long ago.

I opened my eyes, seeing Sherlock in the distance, looking around until his eyes settled on my brother and I. I saw him run over to us and stop a few yards in front of us.

"Let her go," Sherlock demanded, glaring at my older brother. This only made him hold me tighter.

"Why should I? She's my little sister. Surely she wants to stay with her big brother..." James argued, giving me a puppy face. I'd have to admit, it made me worry about his mental health more than convince me to stay with him. I scowled.

"Let me go, James," I sneered, trying to pull away.

"Stop moving," James ordered me, taking off the safety on his gun and pushing it against my head. "I'll pull if I have to."

"I wouldn't doubt it."

"Amy, listen to me. I'm going to get you out of this, you just have to trust me, okay?" Sherlock assured me.

"I've always trusted you," I replied, smiling when he beamed at my answer.

"Are you done flirting yet?" My brother asked, rolling his eyes before looking at his watch. "I'm almost late for something that's actually worth my time."

"What do you want?" Sherlock asked, glancing over at me before returning his gaze to Moriarty.

"You can either save Amy, John or yourself. Pick quickly though. As I was saying, I'm busy." I closed my eyes, thinking for moment before coming up with a plan. I looked over to Sherlock before talking.

"Save John. Trust me. I don't want you to pick me, and you aren't going to pick yourself, so pick John." Then when Moriarty was looking the other way in boredom, I mouthed "I have a plan". Sherlock nodded.

"I pick John. Now call off your sniper," Sherlock said. Moriarty grinned before doing as he said. Once that was done, he aimed the gun at me.

"Um, James?" I asked, looking at him innocently.

"Yes," he sighed, lowering the gun and rolling his eyes. "What do you want?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask you one thing," I said, leaning in so I could whisper it in his ear. "Did you miss me?"

He frowned, but before he could answer, I had twisted his arm, grabbed his gun, and slammed the end of it down on his head, making him crumble to the ground. Hmm, I'm surprised he didn't see that coming. Hopefully this wasn't a part of his plan...

"Is he unconscious?" Sherlock asked me, walking over to me and looking down.

"Yeah," I answered, walking towards the road. "Let's go check on John. I want to see if he's alright." After getting in a cab, Sherlock started to talk to me again.

"You did pretty good back there, Amy."

"Thanks," I said, smiling up at him. I looked down quickly, messing with my fingernails.

"No, I mean it. I wasn't thinking straight. I was too worried about what might happen to you or John that I didn't..."

"Shhh," I stopped him, holding a finger up to his lips. "I get it. I've been through that before, too, you know."

"You have?" Sherlock looked surprised.

"Yeah, a couple times. It never turned out well though." I bit my lip, trying to focus on something other than my past. "So, are you up for some coffee?"

"Sure. Let's go get John first though. He'll want to know what we've been up to." Sherlock smirked. I giggled, hiding in my hair so he wouldn't see that I was blushing.

"You think he'll be mad?" I asked, looking up once I stopped giggling.

"About what?" Sherlock raised his eyebrows, looking confused.

"About us nearly dying and meeting Moriarty at the park and not inviting him to come with us even though his life was at stake," I said quickly in one breath, nearly gasping once I was done. Sherlock chuckled before shrugging.

"Who knows what John will say. He nearly killed me when I came back, even though I thought he'd be fine with me being alive," Sherlock replied. I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Please, killing you was so three years ago!" He smirked at me and I laughed. I leaned onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt him freeze for a moment before relaxing. He put his arm around my shoulder a moment later while we waited for the cab to reach our destination.

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