Chapter 6

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I had been pacing all night when Amelia came out of her room.

"Sherlock? Are you alright?" She asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Yes I'm alright. Why do you ask?" I replied without looking to her.

"You're pacing around the room. You have been all night. Sit down and I'll make you some coffee, okay?" She offered.

"Fine," I said, sitting down in my chair. She came out a few minutes later and handed me a cup of coffee.

"Black, two sugars," she explained, walking over to my violin. "May I?"

"Be my guest." I watched her pick it up and close her eyes. Taking a sip of coffee, I listened as she began to play a complicated song while looking at my music sheets. It was a song by Mozart, I believed. I leaned back, enjoying the music. When she was done, I opened my eyes and smiled. "I didn't know you could play."

"I'm not very good, so I don't play often. I just thought you might want to listen to something to calm you down. John says playing always helps you think," she said, sitting down on the couch and leaning back so that she was lying down. She closed her eyes, enjoying the peace and quiet of the night.

"Amy?" I asked. She seemed startled that I called her something other than Amelia, but she didn't mind.

"Yes, Sherlock?" Amelia sat up and turned towards me, staring me in the eye.

"What happened all those years ago? When you were fifteen. How did you meet Mycroft?" I asked. She leaned back before answering me.

"My brother and I used to be close, but at one point, he started to go mad. First he was just a little paranoid, but then he started to lose his sanity. He'd do all these horrible things, Sherlock, and they were just for fun. I remember him laughing while I stood by him in horror at what he'd done. I hated it, but he'd never listen to me, he'd always tell me to join him. I refused, and by the time I was fifteen, I knew he was never going to be the same," she explained, shaking slightly while staring off into space. "So I went to the police, you see. Mycroft was there talking to someone when I got there. I didn't know it until he started talking to me, but he had been listening while I talked to the man at the counter. He said he could help me, so I've been working for him ever sense." She looked over to me, coming back to the present.

I stared at her, not knowing what to say. Thankfully, John came bursting through the door. Ever since he married Mary, he'd been living with her, even if he did visit me from time to time.

"Oh, am I interrupting anything?"

"Oh, no, you're fine," Amelia said, smiling at him. "Sherlock and I were just talking."

"Sherlock was talking? Since when does he 'talk' to people? All he ever does is yell and tell people to go away," John complained, sitting in his armchair. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I guess I'm not your average person then," Amelia replied, winking at John, who looked at me for an explanation. I shrugged.

"Who knows?"

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