Chapter 4

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I knocked on the door of Kathryn's flat, which was opened almost immediately. Her face was stained with tears, and when she saw me crying, she seemed to soften up a bit.

"Are you Mrs. Young? We're friends of Nathan's." I lied, wiping away fake tears from my eyes. She smiled faintly, letting us inside of her house.

"Yes, that's me," she replied. "Can I get you anything?"

"No, but thank you. We were just out with a few of his other friends," I said, sitting down on the couch. John sat down beside me, wrapping his arm around me to "comfort" me. I cried, leaning into John. I covered my face with my hands momentarily before continuing. "I just can't believe that he's gone. We just saw him the other day. By the way, I'm Amelia and this is John. That's Sherlock over there."

"It's nice to meet you. I miss him, too. I followed him one night, because I was curious. You see, Nathan was always so busy, and I wanted to know what he was doing. Turns out he was working for a criminal of sorts," Kathyrn cried. I patted her on the back when she sat down beside me. Sherlock sat in the armchair.

"You see, Sherlock is a consulting detective, and he decided to look into Nathan's...death. We're going to find out who did it. Is it okay if Sherlock goes and searches his room? You know, for any clues of what he was up to?" I sniffed, biting my bottom lip. Kathryn nodded before showing Sherlock to the room. She came back a moment later.

"Thank you. I think I'd feel better knowing that the murderer was captured before he could..." She started, sobbing again. I comforted her and made her some tea to calm her down.

"We need to be going now. We're meeting a few others later and we don't want to be late. Bye, Kathryn!" I hugged her good bye and walked outside with Sherlock and John. I smiled and wiped away my tears before walking back to the flat which was only five minutes away.

"That was some good acting, Amelia," John praised me, patting me on the back.

"Thanks. All you have to do is be nice," I explained, winking at Sherlock who huffed at me and turned away. We walked in silence the rest of the way to the flat. Once we got there, I opened the door and ran upstairs to my room. I pulled out my phone and jumped onto the bed, sitting Indian style. I could hear bullets hitting the wall in the other room.

I don't think Sherlock likes me very much. ~AM

Since when does he like people? ~MH

John. ~AM

Besides John. ~MH

Um...Greg and Molly, and sometimes you. ~AM

I'm more of an acquaintance. ~MH

Is that a bad thing? ~AM

Not necessarily. ~MH

I have to go. Sherlock's shooting the wall again. ~AM

Make sure he doesn't shoot John. He'd regret it later. ~MH

Okay. ~AM

"Sherlock!" I shouted, running out of the bedroom and snatching his gun. "No shooting the wall."

"No shooting the wall," Sherlock imitated me. John laughed.

"John, if you don't stop laughing, I'll hand him back the gun and let him shoot you," I threatened, walking into the kitchen and opening the freezer. I pushed the head to the side and pulled out a frozen pizza to cook.

"What are you doing?" Sherlock shouted from across the flat.

"Cooking dinner!" I shouted back. After taking it out of the box I put it in the oven and set a timer for half an hour. "I set a timer for half an hour." I walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"So, Amelia," John started, "what do you do as a job?"

"Well, right now I'm babysitting Sherlock, but I'm pretty much Mycroft's personal detective and assistant," I explained before going to my mind palace.

I walked down the corridor, finding a room labeled "John Watson". Inside of the room was all of the information Mycroft had given me. I added a few more things to the room before exiting and doing the same to the room labeled "Sherlock Holmes".

I opened my eyes to see Sherlock looming over me.

"What do you want?" I asked, sighing and leaning back on the couch. I looked at the clock on my phone. It's been half an hour since I entered my mind palace.

"What does your mind palace look like?" I rolled my eyes before getting up and pulling out the pizza. I set it down on the table before answering.

"A giant palace," I answered simply, pulling down some plates and handing one to Sherlock. "Eat."

"Why?" Sherlock asked, challenging my authority.

"Because I said so. Now sit down and eat something before I call Mycroft. I picked up my phone and looked at the incoming text. I groaned.

That isn't necessary. I'm coming over right now. See you in ten. ~MH

"Mycroft?" Sherlock asked, picking up a piece of pizza and walking over to his chair.

"Who else would it be?"

"Who else would what be?" John asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Mycroft's coming over. Prepare for sibling rivalry," I explained, grabbing some pizza before walking into my room. "If you need anything, I'll be in my room. Good luck with Mycroft!"

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