Chapter 1 - The arrival

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"They are staying with us?" My temper is rising "For how long exactly?!"

"As long as they need to, they are in a fragile state right now and to be honest Amanda I thought you would be more understanding" I knew what mom was talking about and I should have been more understanding I would have been grateful if we were in this state and they were to do this for us. But honesly, 'as long as they have to' is short for, forever. And I am not okay with that.

"Fine. But if that boy annoys me once, I'm moving in with Sam!" I yell as I stomp up towards my bedroom to call Sam, my best freind. I could practically feel mom's eyes rolling as I slammed my door.

Let me tell you what's happening, mom and I live in quite the big house, there used to be a lot of us. The house consists of five bedrooms and three floors, the top floor is the bedrooms, middle floor consists of kitchen and family room, and the basement is the living room and mom's office. We bought the house five years ago when I was ten, at the time there was plenty of people living with us (Mother, Father and I) including my aunt Tina, and my grandparents. Not long after we bought the home Aunt Tina and both my grandparents had passed away in a car accident. The stress became to much for my dad and he ran away leaving just my mom and I. We couldn't sell the home considering we had only bought it a year ago and decided to keep it.

My parents used to be really close with a family before we moved here. We haven't seen them in five years but my mom managed to keep in touch with them over social media. The family consists of Leann (Mother), Brady (Father) and Jesse (the son), Jesse is actually my age but last time I saw him he put sand in my hair causing me to have to cut it ALL, yes all of it, off to get it completley out, and I don't care how nice he is he can NEVER, and I repeat, never make up for that day. It was truley devastating, anyway I'm rambling. The point is, they were having financial difficultys and couldn't afford their home, they had to sell all of their furnature and now they have no where to say. My mom rudley assumed our house was big enough and invited them to stay with us, without asking me, might I add.

"You will never guess what is happening!" I called Sam because she is my best friend and let's be honest, the only friend I have. Sam is awesome, we are a little different but that's ok, she loves boys, she would date almost anyone, me on the other hand, never had a boyfriend or a kiss or anything really, sure i think lots of them are attractive but most are douche bags. I quickly run through the whole story with Sam about what's happening.

"No way!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, feel free to pray for m-" She cut off, how rude.

"He was a absolute cutie when I saw him with you in pictures!" Ugh, not this again, everytime I mention a boy he's either cute or repulsive.

"He was 10! That's gross!"

"Yes but I was ten also, so it's okay. I bet he grew up to be a hot model, like person. Finally a man around here, I'm sick of all these boys I need a real man!" Sam was rambling, so I stopped listening, that is until I heard my mom yelling name from downstairs. I ensured Sam I had to go, I quickly hung up right after she told me to send her a picture of him. Looking in the he mirror I made sure I wasn't completley horrid, the least I can do is try and look presentable.

Skipping down the steps I finally made my way into the porch. There they were, stood so perfectly, I've alway's admired the way that family alway's seemed to look so perfect even in their darkest hours.

"Amanda! Oh my look at you, you have grown into a beautiful women! Oh Brady isn't she wonderful" Leann hauled me into a hug that I never thought I would be able to get out of. I slowly felt life slipping away from me.

"Leann! You are suffacating her! Let the girl breath!" Brady yelled frantically. Without giving me time to return to life and tell about how I saw heaven, he pulled me into a quick hug, saying things about it being to long and we should of visited. I'm guessing we will make up for lost vacation time while they stay with us.. forever.

I was finally recovering and catching my breath when God walked in. I mean he must be God, he has to be. Shaggy chocolate hair was ruffled on top of his head, his built body was tearing through the light blue shirt he was wearing, black jeans slung to his tone legs, oh to be those jeans right now. Emerald eyes gazed around the place, although he didn't seem to impressed, his lips were perfection and pink like a pig. Bad comparison but you get me, right?

I must've been staring too long (probably drooling also), because he made eye contact with me for a breif second before smugly saying " Take a picture it would last longer," everyone turned to look at me as I felt the heat rush to my cheecks.

"He is a good looking lad! Can't blame you for staring" I wanted to scream at my mom, of all things she could have said, that was it. As if things couldn't get more awkward for me, I glance at Jesse only to see he is smirking at me. "Amanda, show Jesse to his room while Leann, Brady and I catch up!"

"Why me? You are closer to the steps which means by law, you should be the one showing this gorilla to his room!" There is no way he's staying where he was meant to. Mom set him up in the room next to mine, I had been wondering what all of the boy things were for, makes sense now.

"Is that anything to call your guest, Panda?" Panda? What did that have to do with anything? And there he goes making a fool out of me, how dare he. If I feel like calling him Gorialla I will. Wait, was that a fat joke? I'm gonna kill him.

I was about to open my mouth when my mother interuppted. "First of all that's not a law. Second you two stop with the animal calling and third, take Jesse to his room. Now!"

There's no point in trying to argue, this time. I put out my arm to gesture him to pass me his bags but he just stares at me and I get tired of looking at him, mostly becase I know in the nd I will be drooling again. Once I've reached his door, I slowly swing it open looking at the work my mom had done. It was nice but different, the walls were no longer a pearl white, they were now a light green, which somehow made his eyes even more pronounced and drool worthy.

"You're staring again. Really if you want to look at me all day, I'm fine with you taking a picture. All you had to do was ask." He had a arrogant smirk again that makes me want to punch him.

"Let me just go grab my camera" I say before slamming the door, this is going to be hell. Absolute fucking, hell.


Hello everyone!

This is my first novel, I would just like to thank anyone who read this! I'm planning on uploading on Mondays and Fridays! That's the plan!

If the chapters are a little short it's because I'm uploading twice a week.

Trust me it feels like the chapters are totally long when I'm writing! But, they aren't always.. Oops.. Forgive me?

So I'm kind of awkward.. But.. Thank you for reading and please vote (:

Thank you, again!

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