Chapter 7 - All the way from the barbie castle

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   Ugh, worst hangover ever. I mean it's my first one so I wouldn't know if it's the worse but I would debate that it is because I feel like throwing up and oh god here it comes. Running to the bathroom , I just make it to the toilet before the bile pours out, 

   "Even when your're disguisting you're beautiful," I flip my head around, to fast might I add, I felt a pang in my chest when I saw Jesse stood in the doorway, 

   "So I'm beautiful now?" I ask, pushing my hair out of my face. 

   "You always were." I felt blush, crawling onto the apple of my cheeks, "But that isn't what I came here to talk about," 

   "Okay, let's talk then," I plopped down onto my bed (Not to hard though I couldn't let my head explode) .

   "I don't know how to say this," He bit his lip, "The thing is, I head Jackson talking to a girl last night, and he said uh-"

   "He said?" 

   "He said that dating you was a bet," My jaw dropped, and I felt the hot tears piling into my eyes. How creul is this guy, coming in and calling me beautiful and then lieing to me to get me to break up with my boyfriend.

   "Who do you think you are?" His eyebrow popped up in confusion. 

   "What are you talking about? I'm serious they were kissing! Amanda why don't you believe me?" 

   "You are obviously jealous! I see the way you look at him! You hate his guts, why should I believe you? Of all people, trust me you are not the one I believe." 


   I was playing in the garden, my barbies could not have looked better, they were abosolutley stunning. I had washed their hair, combed the luscious locks and dressed them in their best dressing. We were so ready for the special tea party. My dolls and I have been preparing for his day for weeks, months even! I was more then ready to throw the best tea party for my dolls and the queen . The queen had flew all the way from my barbie castle to be here. My girls were prepared for it. 

   "Why hello my queen!" My doll exclaimed to the queen.

   After the tea party had concluded, and the queen was on the first flight back to the castle, I needed to clean up. That's when Jesse walked in. My face lit up, I alway's seemed to be happy when he came around, that is until he ruins it with something stupid and pointless. 

   "Let me clean that up for you! Your mom and dad want you downstairs for a second" How sweet.

   "Are you sure? I can clean it up after I speak to mommy and daddy!" My voice squeaked as I tried to talk to him.

   "No problem!" He insisted. I should feel like something bad is going to happen, like all the other times, but this time I trusted him. 

   I quickly ran down the stairs to attend to my parents. Running up the steps back to my room to see Jesse and my hopefully clean room, that is one thing taken off my list to do. I've been so busy latley, I have a playdate in twenty minutes with goerge the giraffe in the backyard and then after that I have to fly all the way to the guest bedroom to meet up with Sherry, my doll. 

   "Hey Jesse- AHHHH" I screamed, I actually screamed! The sight was horrific! Terrifying! My dolls were lying everywhere, all over the floor. The clothing of my precious babies were thrown everywhere and the doll house was tipped over. 

   I look oround to find a guilty Jesse lid on the floor laughing his head off! 

   "What happened?" I screamed! How am I ever going to clean this up, I'm going to have to push all of my events to later, which is very unconvient for dinner and bath time! 

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