Chapter 10 - It's not stupid, it's poetic

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    "He did that to you?" Sam and Lizzie squealed in unison. I had just finished explaining everything to them. They were just as surprised as me about everything. What are the odds that, that would happen. Only to me, I tell you. 

   We were all hanging at my house, Lizzie finally knew about Jesse. After flaunting about how lucky I am to be living with him she finally calmed down. Jesse wasn't here though, something about going to Kevin's. So it was just us girls doing the usual, talking about boys and gossiping. Just kidding. We were just thinking about ways we could beat up Jackson, although it would never happen. 

   "I don't want to talk about him anymore though. How's it going with you and Danny?" I ask Sam.   

   "Well, we hung out last night. We went on a date again. He's so amazing and kind and sweet. He is a complete gentlemen and totally cheesy but it's okay because that's something I like about him." I couldn't help but smile when she talks about Danny, he seems so sweet to her. There is nothing I want more then my best friend to be happy. Although, I've never asked about Lizzie.

   "That's amazing! Lizzie, do you have someone you like?" I ask.


   "Well, sort of. I didn't want to tell you because I think we have the same crush, ever since I've been here he's been so nice to me. Well not directly to me, but I've seen him being nice," The same crush as me. I don't have a crush on anybody.

   "Well come on, tell us!" Sam exclaimed.

   "Okay. I like Jesse," I felt my smile grow. I couldn't help but feel a little hope for Jesse, maybe he could finally settle instead of having, Cambria always hanging around. 

   I just need them to go on one date, and he will see how amazing Lizzie is. The plan must be put into action. This will happen. How do I get him to go on a date with Lizzie, she's so 'not his type' in his books. I could trick him. 

   I heard the door slam downstairs and people coming in, 

   "Amanda!" I knew it was Jesse's voice, but he wasn't alone.

   "Dude, there's no one else here!" Oh great, Kevin is here. Why is Jesse calling my name though, no one knows he lives with me. I still felt my feet running down the stairs, he wouldn't call me down with Kevin if he didn't really need me. What I saw though, was nothing but shocking. Jesse had  blood running down his face.

   "What are you doing here?" Kevin looked at me confused.

   "I live here! What happened?" I can't figure out if I yelled that or just said it a little louder then I should have. They seem like the same, I know, but they aren't. Trust me. 

   "He got in a fight with that Jackson guy!" Kevin yelled.

   "I was avenging you!" Jesse shouted between us, I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the bathroom. I don't know where Kenvin went, somewhere in the house. Sitting Jesse down on the closed toilet, I grabbed a tissue and started to dab at his nose. I couldn't help but smile though, he got in a fight for me. I found that very sweet.

   "Thank you," My voice was calm, I couldn't look him in the eyes. I wanted to hug him but in his situation I feel I should stick to the blood on his nose. 

   "He deserved it, I'm fine you know. You don't have to do this. It's just a bloody nose. He took it worse then I did." I couldn't help but look at his eyes. He met my gaze and he smiled, so I smiled back. He looked so good when he smiled instead of that stupid smirk, "Thanks for cleaning me up,"

   "No problem, the least I could do. You did avenge me after all!" I retorted. Throwing away the bloody tissue I used a little soap and water to really clean it. "It's not broken, just a little swollen,"

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