I hate my life

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"Becka!" Dad yells
"Yes daddy" I yell back
"Come down here a minute" he tells me. So I'm 15 well technically I'm like 1000 but I was turned at 15, and I've never had a boyfriend. My dad is way over protective. I also a hybrid, I'm part witch, part vampire, and part werewolf. So I go down stares to see dad, Rebekah and my uncles
"Hey" I tell them " what's up dad" I ask
"You and Rebekah are going to school" he tells me
"Why?" I ask, ok so with me being so old I've been in school 50 different times
"So you aren't always in your room, on your phone"he tells me
"Bek dose it" I whine
"She's older then you" he tells me
"Whatever" I grumble. Yes ok I have my dad's temper but Rebekah's fashion sense.
"Don't whatever me Rebecca" dad tells me
"Ya don't whatever him Rebekah" I say to Bek
"That's so funny Becka" she says with a ton of sarcasm.
"He said Rebekah" I murmur
"I meant you and you know that" he tells me
"So I don't want to go to school." I yell then yell "I going for a fucking walk" then storm out of the house
"Don't eat the town" one Of my uncles -probably Kol- yells
"Be careful Becka" dad and Bek yell
"Be back by diner" that was Elijah
I just yell a yep then take dad's keys to the Audi R8.
"Hey that's my car" dad yells
"I know" I yell back. After just driving around for a bit I pull up at the grill with is a bar. So I go In
"Can I help you" a very cute bartender asks, he's blonde and has amazing blue eyes
"Yes a scotch please" I ask
"Rough day" he asks making the drink
"Very" I sigh. Then someone comes over and sits next to me. He has black hair bright gorgeous blue eyes, that look so familiar, he's wearing a black leather jacket with a black T under it and black jeans.
"Hello. Aren't you a little young to be drinking" he asks
"Aren't you a little old to be bothering me" I snap back
"What's your name" he asks then he orders his drink. Eww he got a Bourbon.
"Tell me yours first" I tell him "Thank you" I say when I get my drink
"Scotch?" he asks, I nod "I'm damon by the way, and you are?" he asks
"Becka" I tell him. If I say Rebecca he'll think I'm my aunt.
"As in klaus sister Rebekah?" he asks
"Nope" I say popping the p
"Ok" he says
"What's your last name" I ask
"Why do you want to know" he smirks
"I think I know a Damon" I tell him I do no a Damon, Damon Salvatore.
"Salvatore" he tells me "what's yours?" he asks
"I have to go. My dad probably wants his car back" I tell him then all but run to the car. When I get in the car I brake down and start crying.
"Hello miss, I'm Damon Salvatore. What's your name?" he asked
"Rebecca Mikaelson" I tell him "daddy?" I say
"Yes princess?" my daddy asked me
"Can we stay with Damon" I ask
"Let me talk to his daddy ok?" he asks
"Ok" I tell him.
~FlashBack Over~
That was the day I met my best friend and the only man I have ever had a crush on. I then speed home. When I get home I run up stares and to my room
"Klaus let me talk to her" I her Bek demand. Then she comes in "love, what's wrong" she asks then comes over and hugs me
"I *sob* saw *sob* him*sob*" I tell her
"Who did you see baby girl"she asks
"Damon" I whisper. Then start crying again. She is the only one I told my feelings about Damon to.
"Baby girl I'm so sorry" she whispers
"I'm fine, I'll be down in a minute I need to wash my face first"i tell her
"Ok I'll calm the boys down" she tells me. 5 minutes later my face is washed and I'm going down stares
"Becka there you are. Are you alright?" Elijah asks
"I'm fine" I tell him
"What happened? And why where you crying" dad asks
"I ran in to an old friend and I had a few drinks so I reacted weird" I tell him
"Are you really ok?" Kol asks. Kol may come off as a jerk but he's really nice.
"Yeah sorry I scared you guys" I tell them
"It's ok" they respond
"Who was this friend you ran into" Finn asks
"An old friend I thought was dead" I tell him. Then I feel my back pocket vibrate "dad, I'll be in for diner in a minute" I tell him
"Ok sweetheart" he tells me. Then I look at my phone it's a text from an unknown number (u-unknown m-me)
U- Hello
M- who is this?
U- Damon
M- how did u get my number? and who's that
D- u r Becka from the bar right??
M- no I'm Rebecca I've never met u
D- what's ur last name
M- what's urs
D- Salvatore
M- classified. Bye I need to eat diner
D- ok😥
"Becka who are you texting" Bek asks me I shake my head and take my phone out again (m-me b-Bek)
M- Damon
B- how'd he get ur number?
M- idk
"Are you two texting each other" dad asks
"Nope" we say at the same time
"Becka I know your lying Rebekah is the only one you text" he tells me
"No I made a friend" I tell him
"Really what's there name" he asks then my phone goes off
B- Matt
"His name is Matt" I tell dad
"What's his last name" he asks
"Didn't ask" I say with a shrug
"Whatever I know you two are texting each other though"he tells us
"Whatever" we say at the same time. After diner I get a text from Damon
D- u done diner yet?
M- yes
D- what's ur last name
I think and choose the last name of my favorite person right now on tv Rose Hathaway from vampire academy.
M- Hathaway
D- ok never mind then
M- yd u want to no
D- my best friends name was Rebecca but her last name is Mikaelson
M- Oo maybe ull find her
D- ya u look a lot like her
M- u remember what she looks like
D- ya I loved her
Then I fan girl and Bek comes up asking me why I'm fan girling I show her the texts and she starts fan girling with me
M- good night
I text back when we're done
D- 😢 don't plzz talk to me u remind me of her
M- I have school tomorrow I need sleep
D- can I pick u up after?
M- I'll tell u tomorrow
D- ok good night
M- good night
I then text Bek
M- Damon wants to pick me up tomorrow
"Bek your phone went off. It's from weird funny cute angel I love and that's a long name." Dad tells Bek
"Don't touch my phone" Bek yells. With me and Bek only the other one can touch the other ones phone
B- OMFG what did u say
M- that I'd tell him tomorrow
B- did u tell him it was u. Or r u still Rebecca Hathaway? lol
M- Hathaway
B- y???
M- I don't want him being killed and dad would kill him if he asked me out
B- good point
M- ya night I'm tried
B- ok night be ready tomorrow we have school
M- sadly 😢
Then I clime under my blankets and go to bed.

Niklaus' Princesses  (vampire dairies Damon Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson Fan Fiction) <Book.1>Where stories live. Discover now