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So I get ready. I put on my beautiful blue ball dress that has the bust covered with small flowers of diamond. The skirt is big and full and fluffy. Then I think to the last time I wore this dress
*FlashBack 1863 November 15*
(Her birthday)
"Aza we're having a ball today, father has it planed" my third best friend told me
"I already told you I didn't want to celebrate Mr. Salvatore"i groaned
"Ms. Mikaelson your father would like to speak with you" one of the maids tells me
"See you later Aza" Stefan says then leaves
"I thought you fancied with the older one Damon" Bek says coming in my room
"Their both just my friends" I groan even though that's not true, I love Damon
"Whatever Nik needs us" she tells me. So we go down stairs into Mr. Salvatore's office
"What do you need father" I ask.
"What are we doing for Azalea's birthday" Bek asks
"There's a ball tonight for her birthday, girls go get ready you have two hours" dad tells us. So I go find Damon and play a weird game he calls football that's really fun till Bek finds me and tells me that we need to get ready. So we go upstairs and she helps me put on my big blue ball gowned
*FlashBack over*
"Earth to Aza" Kol yells
"Go away I'm trying to get ready" I yell back
"No I hate the 1800s this is all your fault" he yells at me
"Course every thing is my fault or Beks fault never the precious fucking Kol Mikaelson" I yell in his face
"Kol get out if her room before I dagger you" dad yells
"Klaus she started it" he puffs like he's two
"Yea that's why your in my room when I was trying to get ready" I ask
"Kol out of Aza's room NOW" dad yells
"You always take her side no fair" Kol yells
"Niklaus, Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn, and Azalea come down her" I hear. A female voice yell. So I vamp down stares and run at her. "It's nice to see you too angel" she coos
"I missed you Grammy" I whisper
"I missed you too angel" she coos. Then Bek comes over and wraps her arms around me and gram.
"Mother" Bek sobs
"Hello Rebekah" gram coos "nice to now at least the girls missed me
"Hello mother" my uncles and dad say at the same time
Ok so in this Mikael killed Esther NOT Niklaus. Yes Rebekah and Azalea are her favorites that's cuz their her girls. She loves the boys too though.
Well I love you guys and girls

Niklaus' Princesses  (vampire dairies Damon Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson Fan Fiction) <Book.1>Where stories live. Discover now