Your dead or not

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A/N: I changed the year so she came a year before Katherine so she came in 1863 not 1864
When I wake up my head is pounding, I'm not in my room, and I'm way to warn. When I look down there's an arm wrapped around me AND IM ALMOST NAKED. But looking at the person connected to the arm I see Damon, I look down and he's only in boxers, I scream. "What, what's wrong?" he asks shooting up

"we're both almost naked" I Shriek

"Ya so?" he asks like it's so normal

"What the hell happened last night" I ask

"I brought you home changed you into one of my shirts and put you to bed then came to bed myself" he explains

"Ok" I sigh. Then look at my phone. I have 23 texts from Kol? 100 from Bek, 50 from Finn, 60 from Elijah, and over 200 from dad. Then I have soo many missed calls. I just text everyone saying that I'm fine

D- where r u

M- some where ur not

D- Rebecca just tell me

M- nah I'm good

Then Damon phones off. Asshole calling, when Damon picks it up I no it's my dad (d- Damon n- Niklaus)

N- have you seen Becka

D- nope

N- call me if oh see her

D- will do

N- bye

D- bye

"So is your dad gonna kill me?" he asks

"Probley" I shrug

"I thought I was your best friend" he pouts

"your fault" I tell him

"How?" he asks.

"Because you were with Katherine" I tell him

"I loved her" he whispers

"Then what was I?" I ask

"My best friend" he whispers again

"Really because after Katherine came you forgot all about me"i yell

"No I didn't" he yells back

"We hung out once after Katherine came and the was my birthday" I yell

"No we hung out" he yells

"With Katherine and Stefan! We never had one on one time" I yell "and you no I could have gone though you dying but the hardest thing in the world is watching the one you love love another" I yell. Then he kisses me, and it's perfect all our love for each other are in the kiss. Then he moves so I'm straddling him and keeps kissing me. Then I feel something poke my leg, so I pull away.

"Why'd you stop" he whines

"Something poked me" I whisper

"Have you ever had sex" he asks

"That was my first kiss Damon" I whisper

"Klaus is that overprotective?" he asks

"Yes and I only ever liked you and well you had Katherine" I whisper.

"I had you first" he whispers "and I see you still wear the ring I got you for your birthday"

"Ya you know your the only one but dad and Bek that know my birthday"i tell him

"Dose that make me special"he asks

"My dad got this one for me 100 years before that" i tell him

"I mean the fact that I know your birthday" he asks

"yes that dose make you special" i tell him the peck his cheek and run to the bathroom. Im so happy right now, bu dads gonna kill him. Well maybe he wont he did like Damon back in the 1800s. So i take a shower then put my clothes on then tell Damon that he has to take me home. When we get back i go inside a run to my room.

"Rebecca Esther Mikaelson where the fuck where you" dad yells coming in my room, damn i forgot to lock it.

"The grill" i tell him then go back to reading my fanfic

"where did you sleep last night Rebecca" he asks

"in a bed" i replie

"whos bed" he growls

"a persons" i growl back

"Rebecca" he warns

"Klaus" i say in the same tone

"did you just call me Klaus?" he asks looking so hurt, probley because i only call him dad, Nik or Nikaus, ive never called him Klaus

"yes i did because your being a jerk" i tell him "i can do what i want and who i want im not 16 anymore"

"but your my baby girl" he whispers

"im sorry dad" i tell him then go over and hug me

"i dont want to lose you" he whispers in my hair. Then my phone went off and said 'Damon' right on the screen but before i could, dad answered my phone (D- damon d- dad)

D- hey babe

d- hello

D- wheres becka

d- who is this

D- Damon Salvatore. Where is Becka

d- Damon Salvatore from 1863

D- whos this

d- Niklaus Mikaealson 

D- yes wheres your daughter

d- why do you want to know

D- because shes my best friend and i want to talk to her

d- whatever here she is

(D- Damon M- Me)

D- hey

M- hey

D- why did Klaus have your phone

M- we where hugging and he grabed it before i could

D- wheres my hug

M- in hell

D- thats not nice

M- did you have a reason for calling me

D- can i take you out tomorrow

M- that you have to ask dad

D- then give Klaus the phone wait can i ask Bek instend

M- nope you have to ask dad

D- not nice Becka

M- i know damon

D- give him the phone

M- fine

(D- damon d- dad)

d- yes

D- can i take Becka on a date

d- do you know where she stayed last night

D- yes

d- where

D- one of the guest rooms at the bording house

d- ok no funny bisniss and you can take her out

D- thanks bye

M- bye

hangs up

Niklaus' Princesses  (vampire dairies Damon Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson Fan Fiction) <Book.1>Where stories live. Discover now