My baby

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-Three years later-
"Sissy" Hope yells again
"This isn't fair" dad whines "nether of you twos first word was daddy"
"That's because she loves me more" I tell him. Then a three year old Hope comes running at me.
"Help! Help!" She screams
"Hope come back here" Haile yells. Haile comes running out holding a purple and black dress and wearing her own that matches.
"Aza put her down so I can get you ready" Bek yells. Bek has Katherine and Ella with her. She pulls me with her to her bathroom, and just like many years ago in my dream she does my hair, Katherine does my makeup and Ella is waiting to put my dress on. When there finally done Ella slips a silky white dress over my head. And just like in the dream over my big belly. Dad comes in once I have my shoes on.
"Azalea Hope Mikaelson you aren't allowed to pick her up your 7 and a half months pregnant" he tells me
"Sorry daddy" I tell him. Then Haile and Hope come in and Hope starts reaching for me. Haile try's to give her to me but dad takes Hope out of her arms.
"No sissy!!!" She yells.
"No" dad tells her
"Sissy" she says crossing her little arms
"No" dad tells her again and i trying not to laugh.
"Hope want SISSY" she yells
"No Hope. You can hurt sissy she has a baby in her belly" dad tells her. She points to the floor and dad puts her down. She walks over and hugs my belly, then kisses my belly
"My baby" she says
Stefan walks in with Elijah and Kol and Matt. Katherine's son who is 4 is going to walk with Hope, his name is Angel. The line up is
Hope and Angel
Elijah and Haile
Kol and Katherine
Bek stops and tells me to sit. She starts putting little white flowers in my hair. Dads just staring at us.
"What are you thinking?" I ask
"I'm not sure. I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl." He try's to smile at me. I lean over and give him butterfly kisses.
"We'll always have our song though" I whisper.
Bek (my maid of honor) and Stefan (his Best man)
Then me and dad.
Walking down the aisle to angel bye shaggy. I look and see Damon waiting for me. Dad takes my hand and puts it in Damon's hand and kisses my forehead. When it's time to say our vows I start
"I have loved you sense I saw you in 1863. I torchered one of my now best friends for 21 years because of you" Katherine laughs "I cried about you when I thought you died. But I never stopped loving you. The night of our first date I dreamed about our wedding and getting married to you for real is so much better" I smile
"The moment I saw you in 1863 I couldn't believe you where real. You looked so beautiful in your scarlet red dress. Then when we started talking I made you blush the same color as your dress. And the day you said you had to leave it broke my heart. I always wondered if I would be able to find you again and I'm so happy I did. Just like I'm so happy that your carrying my child and that you going to be my wife" he smiles at me
"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride" Damon kisses me softly around my big belly. People cheer and we walk back down the aisle
Heyy I love this chapter It might be my favorite.
Ella: why can they have a baby and I can't
Me: she's part witch and part werewolf your just vampire
Ella: not fair
Azalea: why can't i pick up my Hopey
Hope: My Baby! Sissy My Baby!!
Damon: No!!! My baby!
Hope: my baby
Me: Damon shut up. Hope yes your baby
Hope: *sticks toung out at Damon*
Damon: *pouts*
Azalea + Ella: bye!!
Me: bye lovelies

Niklaus' Princesses  (vampire dairies Damon Salvatore and Niklaus Mikaelson Fan Fiction) <Book.1>Where stories live. Discover now