Chapter 4

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The bat flew onto the curtain beam like any normal bat but it was white! A white bat! Ella thought that this was already weird enough, before the bat flew up the stairs. She followed with curiosity, only to find a girl that looked about seven years old. The girl had pale shin, long light pink hair. She was wearing a white dress with a vail held onto her head by a silver tiara light pink jewels. She had smudged make-up around her eyes, mostly hidden by dark black bags and eye liner.

Ella, completely shocked, walked toward the girl "Hi. Who are you" she asked even though she was so tempted to ask what she was. The girl didn't speak. She just continued to walk down the stairs, "are you ok?" Asked Ella, still baffled about what had just happened, no response. Maybe it's just a coincidence that a white bat flew up the stairs and a pale girl walked down, she thought.

"Can you speak?" She inquired. Her head full of questions. The girl nodded. "Why aren't you then?" She continued. The girl opened her mouth. A pair of shiny, white fangs hung from her top gum. Ella gasped. "Wh-who are you? What are you?" She stammered, obviously terrified. All this time she had thought that this was a secret tunnel or something like a spy HQ, but not a vampire lair!

The girl spoke, "My name is Hannah and I am a vampire.Thank you for finally getting me out. I have been in there for ages!" She said finally, "I live here with my family: My mum Charlie, dad Tempest and my sister Eva." "Are you dead?" Ella asked without thinking, Hannah replied obviously offended but still with a soft voice, "No!" She said angrily "then don't you, well, have human parents?" She hesitated "yes." Hannah said. Her voice dropped like she had just been shot, "they think I am dead."

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