Chapter Ten

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We step inside the doorway to find a large dimly-lit room with long bookshelves, the type you would find in a library. Lee gasps.

“I never knew this room was so big,” she exclaimed. I nod in agreement. I brush a finger along the nearest bookshelf, collecting dust on it and leaving a line from where the dust was before. The books look old, much older than me.

“This place is old, really old,” I point out.

“But we weren’t living here for that long,” Lee replies.

“But it’s all dusty, it looks older than me.” She shrugs.

“Maybe we can find something that could tell us more about this place, about everything,” I sigh. I glance at the bookshelves that stand before us. I pick up a book named ‘what am I?’ and sat down on the cold floorboards. I start to read.

There are many different types of people in this world. The world as you know it is changing around you. But that’s not the only thing that’s changing. Strange things start to happen to you. This book is here to help you with your understanding of the life of the mutants and how their minds work.

“Great, now we are called mutants. How original,” I mutter. I look over at Lee, who has found herself a thick book to read through. I look down at the page I’m on and I continue to read.

Table of contents:

Page 1… How to identify your power

Seems promising enough. If I identify my power, I could discover what power Lee has. And then there’s August. His eyes just like mine, his messy hair and the cave that he lives in. he seems a lot like me. But what if I’m completely wrong? This search would be a waste of my time, Lee’s time and Chris’s life. I continue to page one even with the thoughts that linger in my mind.

How to identify your power:

There are many different types of power. Some are good and some are bad. If you are kind, caring and always smiling, you will most likely have good powers.

If you are mean, cold-hearted and selfish, you will most likely have bad powers.

I yawn. This book doesn’t help with anything so far. I skip a couple of pages until something caught my eye.

“Hey Lee, I think a page has been ripped out or something, look,” I say. No reply. “Lee, where are you?” I look around. I slowly stand up, only to be tackled to the ground. We both land ageist a wall.

“Don’t move, there’s someone outside. I think they’re from the city,” she whispers.

“But you just tackled me I don’t think-”

“Yeah sorry about that but we can talk later, crawl over to the bookshelf and get more books. I have a bag that we can put them in. We have to leave now before they find us,” She interrupts. I slowly crawl towards the bookshelf. I grab a couple of books that look like they could help. I crawl back to Lee and put the books into the bag.

“So what now?” I ask her.

“We need to find a way to get out of here without using the front door,” she replies. All of a sudden I hear a bang that makes me jump.

“Split up, we need to find them,” I hear someone order. “And thank you for helping us find this place, you mutants are kind of useful after all,” I gasp. The only mutants that I know are Chris and maybe August. He wouldn’t lead people from the city though, would he? He wouldn’t kill me.

“You’re welcome, I know the people that live here, there’s a little girl and her mother. Her mother’s name is Chris and the little girl’s name is Lee,” another voice explains. It’s a girl’s voice. I sigh of relief. At least it wasn’t August sending me to my death.

“We have to go now,” Lee whispers. I shake my head.

“Let me try something first and if it doesn’t work, we’ll run,” I whisper back. I open the book that I was reading and flipped through the pages. I stop when my name catches my eye. It was written on the top corner, in ink.

The voice inside your head.

“This is about my power, I need to read it, you go and hide,” I tell Lee. She nods. I continue to read.

This power is extremely rare. You have a voice in your head the sounds like you. It tells you what to do in different situations. The power can be helpful or it can drive you mental. Some people have even killed themselves because of it.

Your mind also makes things appear like chairs and books. This can be very helpful at times.

Your power does not work around other mutants, including the voice inside your head. Mutants cannot be in 20 metres of you if you want to use the power.

I glance over at Lee hiding behind a bookshelf.

“You need to be at least 20 metres away from me if you want this plan to work,” I whisper to Lee. She nods. She then slowly crawls away from me.

“Hey, I found a room here, Lee could be in here!” Someone shouts. I take a deep breath in.

“Power you should work now,” I whisper. Finally, you got rid of Lee. Long time no talk I see? “Shut up,” I mutter. Look to your right. This object may help you. AS the voice says I look to my right to find a gun lying next to me. Now take cover and shoot. 

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