Chapter One

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I wake up, once again. This time, I’m in a chair. I squeeze the arm of it tightly enough that my hands go white.  It’s a wooden chair, but not a normal chair. It’s more like a dentist chair which isn’t a good sign. I look around the room. The walls around me are white and the floor has white tiles. “Finally, you made it out of the hallucination; I’ve been waiting for you,” A voice says. I look around, trying to find out where the voice is coming from.

“Where are you… and where am I?” I ask the voice. “I know you’re in here,” I shout. I hear a laugh coming from one of the walls. I walk over to it and knock on it. I can tell that there’s a room next door. “Who are you?” I ask them. They laugh again.

“You are with us now, Miss Smith,” They declare. I shake my head. This doesn’t even make sense. Your trapped now, aren’t you? I knew this would happen. I look for a way to escape. I spot a door, so I run towards it and try to open it. It’s locked, of course. You have a hair pin in your hair, use it. I pulled the hair pin out of my hair and tried to unlock the door with it. I hear a click coming from the key hole. I slowly open the door to find another room. The room looks the exact same as the other room. White walls and a white tiled floor. “You are very advanced aren’t you, Miss Smith,” The voice points out. I laugh.

“You have no idea about me,” I snap. “Look I don’t know who the hell you are, but just let me go and I won’t try to hunt you down,” I yell. The voice laughs again.

“Well, I wish you luck on finding me,” The voice replies. Look around you. Use your brain. I smile to myself. The voice in my head is smarter than me most of the time, which is quite sad. The voice sounds just like me, and it’s like it’s standing right next to me, like a clone of me. Kind of like a refection but with volume. I look around, but with more care this time. I see a gun in the far right corner of the room. I run over to it. It feels light in my hands, but cold like holding an ice block. “You know how to become free; we don’t want your kind to walk this earth anymore so therefore, we must eliminate you,” The voice says. I look down at the gun in my hand. It only has one bullet in it. Don’t give them what they want, make the tables turn. I aim the gun right at my head. “Yes Miss Smith, fire the gun right where you have it,” They snicker. I smirk at their comment. What are you doing? Don’t give them what they want. I took a big breath in, trying to relax. Breathing slowly, I clicked the bullet into the slot. If I pulled the trigger the bullet would fly through my head. I quickly point the gun at the roof. “What are you doing?” The voice cries. I smile to myself. I hold my breath and pull the trigger. The noise scared me so much that I scream. The lights blow out and the room is pitch black. Now go. I run towards the door. “Open this door up right now or else!” I shout.

“Never!” The voice screams. Use the hair pin, you only have one left so don’t throw it away. I pull out the hair pin. I can’t see what I’m doing at all. I make my way slowly towards the door. Once there, I try to find the key hole so I could unlock the door. The voice laughs. “There is no key hole on this door Miss Smith,”

“Stop calling me that, my name is Kaylee!” I scream. The voice laughs. I try to open the door. It’s locked, of course. Kick the door as hard as you can, prove then how strong you are. I kick the door over and over again. “Open the door now,” I shriek. Suddenly, the door bursts open. Natural light floods the room. I hear birds chirping and the wind swaying in the trees. Now run. I do as the voice says. I always do what it says. It helps me out in strange situations like this one. I feel a tear run down my cheek. Do not cry, I tell myself. I soon reach a fence too tall to climb. Look for something else to help you. I look along the fence to try and find something. I see a really long ladder leaning ageist the fence. I place my hands on the ladder, and I start to climb. 

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