|Shot 106| • Elevators • |Stenbrough|

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Requested by emmselou
Thank you for always giving me good ideas :)

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"Having fun?"

I squeezed Bill's hand and smiled as I turned to him.

"Yeah" I answered. "Food, drinks, and shopping with you? What better date could there be?"

He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"A-Anyone with you" he replied, and I blushed.

By now it was getting late, at least, late for us.

"It's 7:36" he glanced at his watch, then shifted his blue eyes to me. "We sh-should start h-heading home"

I nodded in agreement and we walked, hand-in-hand, to the elevator. Of course, there were people who gave us dirty looks, because apparently two sixteen years old boys aren't allowed to be in love.

But screw them. The smile that Bill gave me was enough for me to say fuck them, and squeeze Bill's hand tighter.

We reached the elevator and I pushed the down button. I glanced at Bill and he looked nervous.

"Bill?" I questioned gently. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yeah" he gulped. "I'm fine"

I smiled and stroked his cheek.

"Bill," I cooed, "I'm your boyfriend as well as your best friend, I know when something is bothering you even before you know it. What's wrong?"

He sighed.

"It's juh-just that...Georgie and I w-would always c-come here to this muh-mall and goof around in th-this elevator. He'd puh-push all the buttons and juh-jump around..." he trailed off.

"Bill, it's okay, I'm right here, it's okay"

He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He took a deep breath and let it out in the crook of my neck.

He pulled away and I searched his glossy blue eyes.

"Okay" he chuckled dryly. "I'm okay, thanks Stanny"

I grinned at him, flashing my dimples and he smiled inevitably before grabbing my hand and leading us into the elevator.

He pushed the button for the ground floor and we waited patiently.

"Thank you, by the way, for today. It was perfect"

"No problem, Stanny. I loved it. I always love spending time with you" he blushed.

"Me too"

He turned to me with crimson cheeks to match mine, and he leaned in. Before his lips could brush mine, however, we were interrupted by the elevator lights dimming.

We opened our eyes and looked up to see the lights were out. The music shut off, and so did the buttons.

I clicked the bottom button but nothing. I desperately pushed the other buttons and the emergency button but nothing.

The elevator stopped.

I sighed deeply and slid my back down the wall.

"Great" I said sarcastically.

Bill calmly sat beside me and grabbed my hand.

"D-Don't worry, Stan. The muh-mall people know when suh-something goes wrong, they'll fuh-fix it soon" he assured me.

I sighed and turned to face him. He smiled, and I couldn't help but smile back. He has no idea how Goddamn attractive he is.

"You're right. At least I'm here with you"

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"It'll be a while, though. Wanna read or something?" I offered.


I pulled out a book from my backpack and scooted closer to Bill. He leaned his head on my shoulder and listened intently as I read, his eyes carefully scanning the pages.

After what felt like hours, Bill nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck as I read aloud to him. The soft, affectionate gesture gave me shivers, and he gazed up into my eyes.

I gazed into his bright blue twinkling ones before leaning in. He leaned in too, until his lips brushed mine, slowly and tenderly.

I gripped his shirt for more as he sat up and cupped my cheeks, deepening the kiss. Our lips moved quicker, tenderly and hungrily.

Neither of us could stop, and the heat enveloping us in the confined space only increased our drive for each other.

"Stan" he moaned. "I want so many more dates with you, I don't care that we're stuck here, I don't care if the elevator breaks down again and again, I don't care if people look at us like we're sick. I love you, Stanny"

Not one stutter. I smiled and pulled him softly by the back of his neck for a small kiss.

"I love you too, Bill. So so much. Let people stare, I don't care. I love you more"

He tangled his fingers in my curls as he pulled me into his lap. The taste of his laughter in my mouth after that was a taste I never want to forget or lose.

He started unbuttoning my shirt, and I could feel our bulges twitch underneath us as our lips moved passionately and in sync.

His tongue fought with mine for dominance and I let him win. Hearing his moans was a melody I never wanted to end.

But just before our shirts could hit the floor, the lights came on and the elevator buttons lit up.

"For anyone still in elevator 203, we apologize for the inconvenience, but this eleveator had been maintained momentarily. Please exit as soon as possible for further maintenance. Thank you"

"Thanks" Bill scoffed, and I could see the pout in his eyes as it formed on his lips.

I grabbed his hands after slipping our shirts back on and tenderly kissed his cheek.

"Bill, don't worry. We can continue this later"

I nibbled his ear and he shivered. He smiled and grabbed my hand as he pushed the elevator buttons for the bottom floor.

"You're right, Stanny. This session isn't over yet" he smirked at me. "My place?"

"I like the way you think, babe"

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