Just friends

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Jennys pov

My names jenny me and cammeron have bin friends since well forever. i mean i had a crush on him when we where 8 but im over it now. we have grown up together we are really close. i fell like i can tell him enithing hes always either at my house or im at his house. i got ready for school i dotm really like school i hate waking up early but i like seeing my friends. the most annoying thing about school is the ppl they are always mugging me because im with cameon since hes "big" no has like more then 3million followers on vine. pepole tell me im to ugly to be his friend and i should die but i just ignore them. there is this one girl tht hates me because she has had a crush on cameron forever her name is samanta. And then theres also his recent ex karla tht claims he broke up with her because of me.yes i have 2 girls tht hate me well 6 because of there friends they hate me to. me and cameron walked inside if school and we had first period with samanta wow i sat next to cameron but the teacher made us work in teams she said she would choose them. I was hoping i dint have to work with samanta it was in groups of 4 the teacher said we would work on this project for a ling time. wich is exactly why i dint whant samanta on our team so she called groups then she said

"ok so the next group is jenny valeria..."valeria is one of my best friends i was happy she wa on my group because i never got enithing and she helped me then the teacher cuntinude "also cameron and samanta are on tht team good lyck guys"

Wow really ahe had to say samanta wow this was gonna be an intresring project samanta a girl who hates me because im friends with cameron and she likes cameron. wow and cameron in the team im pretty sure we are gonna et an F beacuse with her on the team we aint getting no work done.

Then samanta opened her mouth "So cameron what do u have in mind for the project"

"Um well i dont no whenever i do partner wok its usually with jenny or valeria or both. they are the ones who usually help me so ask them" he said sitting next to me.

"Oh i see"she said

"So jenny veria since the bell is about to ring and we havent fome up with eny ideas lets go to your house jenny after school to figure it out. we will tell u what we come up with samanta"

"What if i just go eith u guys" she said

"Samanta u dont een like me and i no tht and cameron nows tht and valeria nows tht. ehy woul u come to my house"

"Well ppl change see u later" she said walking out the class room."

After school valeia said she would meet us at the house and me and cameron walked together evry day but we stoped for ice cream first. at the ice cream store we ordered our ice cream and sat down and ate it.

"So candy i no samanta dosnt like u because u hang out with me and she likes me"

"Yea so?😕"

"I like her and yea i cant be friends with u enymore because my futer girlfriend hates u and u..."

"What" i said cuttig him off "o your gonna stio being my friend for wow i see what a great friend you are cameron u no i dont care if u like her and u go out with her but really ur just not gonna be my friend because..."

"Calm down jenny im kidding i dont like her and i woulf never do tht to you" he said cutting me off

"Omg cameron dotm play with me like that gosh."

"Im sorry jenny"

We walked back to my house and then samanta and valeria arived we whent to my room to figure it out then valeria left and samanta was leaving.

"Wait cameorn can u walk me home" she said

Wow really she would say tht noing cameron i to nice to say no. nowing we had plans.

"Im sory samanta i have plans whith my brat frend jenny u no we toled u like 5 seconds ago maybe some other time" he said

"Fine bye see u tommorow"

It was 6:00 and cameron and i whent to the movies he whent to watch tfios eith me😭😭💕 since he promissed he would bring me. i also promised i would play basketball with him. i ditn no how to play but he said he would teach me.

Camerons pov

I took jenny to the movies and she leaned on me i looked at her and she looked beutifull. wait what am i daying shes my friend i cant have fellings for her what. i just couldnt help but stare at her but then she saw me.

"Whats ring why are u looking at me like that."

"I cant help it u look beautiful"

"Thank you" she said tringto hid her face ecause she was blushing.

"Dont hid it you look cute when your blushing"

Wow i dont know i have fellings for my best friend how could this happen. I domt even know but i cant help it i just love this felling i have for her and i do t know why i cant help it.


Omg yass my first cameron fan fiction vote and add it to your library plz hehe im also still working on a nother story so yea its a matthew story im sorry if i dot. Update evry day its because of the other story but yea. thanks for reading💕

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