The end

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*3 weeks later

Jennys pov

Me an matt are still dating witch is a good thing i guess its good that cameron and nash ended up having something for each other. well because that made me relize tht it was matthew the whole time cam apologized for evrything and i forrgave him. i actually ship cash so badly right now to be honest.

Matt asked me if i whanted to go public and i said yes so i guess evryone nows now. i di get hate because of it but theres some pepole that accept that im matts girlfriend.

We where all in my backyard going for a swimm. the guys where trying to thtow me in the pool but it back fierd because i kiked them in the nuts like pow. I finally whent in the water and started swimming.

"Jenny you dont no how to siwimm" taylor said

"Yes i do actually evryone has diffrent ways my swimming might be wierd but i can still swimm so ha ha sucker"

"Wow ok"

"Cash stop eating eachother and come swimm befor i go ninja on you and kik you all the way to the pool"

"That makes no sence" nash said

"Well it does to me so andale"

"Ok ok"

They jumped in the pool and then i got out and whent inside i graved a bag of chips and started eating them.

"Arnt you gonna swimm" cam said

"Well yea but i got hungry"

"Oh jessus child you need jessus" matt said

"I already have jesus"

Cams pov

After we where swimming i decided to take nash out. I started driving and we got to this park there was no one there perfect.

We sat under thi big tree and then i put the picnic blanket and we started eating and talking.

"Thank you cameron!"

"For what?"

"For being with me for doing this for me for making me happy"

"I live to make you happy baby i love you so much you dont even know an im sorry for all out bad times but to me all that is in the past and im jus leaving in the present my time with you"

"Aww cam i live you to"

Matts pov

"Jenny stop bitting/licking your lip it makes me what to just kiss you already'

"Then do.."

I crashed my lips onto hers and it was a sweet kiss. we pulled away and she jat snugled to my side.

"Matt i love you"

"I love you"

Thr end i know it sucks but i decided to end iy cuz i have noorr ideas but yea i hope you enjoyed it.

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